Claimed for the Master's Pleasure (Guilty Pleasures #5)(22)
She knew her breathing was fast. She was sexually excited and annoyed with his arrogance in equal measure. “You bastard,” she screamed after him. “I bet there’s no shareholders insisting you do this to me. I could catch my flight and you wouldn’t dare send the cops after me.”
“Then take the chance, Lia. Do it. Get on that plane and fly to your new life in Florida. See how long it lasts before you’re arrested.”
“How long is this so called proposal of yours to last?” The angry words spilled from her lips.
“A month, and then you’re free to leave.”
Fuck, this was her life they were talking about. “You’ve changed, Jake, and not for the better. Why are you doing this?”
“Because I can.”
He continued walking away, and she shouted after him. “When you get to the car lot, Mister, I advise you to start the engine and drive away. You’ll be waiting a long time before I come to you, Benetti.”
He turned, and pointed to the large overhead screen. “I think they’ve just called your flight, Lia. It’s decision time.”
Lia watched him walk arrogantly away. His swagger and the way he moved all reminded her of the wonderful night they’d shared. She knew he could deliver her fantasies and far more besides.
What should I do?
Lia held her head in her hands, and then leaned down, resting her elbows on her thighs. She studied her red shoes, tracing the neat leather strap with her gaze, over and over again. What should I do? Go to my dream job in Florida, or go with Jake?
The loudspeaker system announced her flight once more, making her decision all the more urgent.
The man had some nerve, turning up at the airport with his last-minute proposal. He’d sure put a spanner in the works. Just who the hell did he think he was? Arrogant prick. Well, Lia Constantine didn’t fall at the feet of just any man—not unless she wanted to. Goddamn it, deep inside she wanted to fall at his feet and submit to his will, but his arrogance had seriously pissed her off. He was using his dominance of her to his advantage.
Lia squirmed on her seat feeling sexually charged. Her * throbbed with need. In the bedroom he had her eating out of his hand, but elsewhere Jake Benetti left a lot to be desired. He’d threatened her with the cops. Would he seriously stoop so low as to have her arrested? Maybe he would, just to get what he wanted. A smile spread on her lips as she reminded herself that she was the object of his desire. Jake Benetti wanted her. If she went to him it would be nothing to do with the money, but everything to do with the man.
At that moment her flight was called again, making her heart speed up. Heaven help her, it was time to make her decision.
Chapter Fifteen
Jake impatiently drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Half an hour had past since her flight had left. He’d wait another ten minutes, and then call it a day. It appeared Lia wasn’t taking him seriously enough. Or maybe she just didn’t feel the same attraction that he did? Who was he kidding? He’d seen it in her eyes. Their animal magnetism for each other just couldn’t be denied. Whether Lia would act on instinct was another matter entirely. She was a woman, and therefore totally unpredictable. She might decide not to show, just to prove a point.
Knowing she’d been about to board a plane and leave his life forever, he’d had to come up with a plan to keep her. He couldn’t just let her slip through his fingers. Not again, so he’d threatened her with the cops, but that was just words to scare her. Had she seen through his bluff? He knew it would take months to get her arrested. There were long, drawn-out legal procedures he had to follow first. Besides, he’d never go that far. He and the cops were like oil and water. They just didn’t mix. The Vegas police would often turn up at his casino, on the fake pretext of checking everything was legal and aboveboard. He knew they just wanted to waste a couple of hours on the tables. His floor manager, Paulie, would keep them topped up with free liquor and a couple of pretty girls for company, just to keep them sweet. He knew deep down that if she didn’t show, he’d bite the bullet and pay the outstanding amount himself. That way there wouldn’t be any dumbass questions from disgruntled shareholders.
The automatic doors of the departure lounge swished open once more, and a familiar figure emerged. Elegantly attired in a simple red dress, her beautiful blonde hair flowed down her back in a cascade of golden curls. It fluttered provocatively in the gentle warm breeze as she moved. Fuck, she was a beautiful woman. In fact Lia Constantine was hard to ignore. He found it incredibly satisfying that many of the men entering the terminal building, did a double take as they walked past her. She rested two suitcases on the ground and then looked around expectantly.
“Well, well, princess,” Jake murmured to himself, feeling a self-satisfied smile curve his lips. “Looks like I made you an offer you simply couldn’t refuse.”
Lia had seriously gotten under his skin. He hoped that one month with her would finally rid him of the incessant ache he felt every time he thought of her. Then he could move on with his life. He guessed he was kidding himself, though. Just the thought of her sent his blood pulsing. It filled his cock, with plenty to spare. He was taking advantage of her vulnerability, but he knew that’s what turned Lia on. A dominant man was exactly what she needed right now, even hungered for. He was the yin to her yang, the dark to her light.