Claim Me(154)

At least I can cross him off my list. Although Douglas has made it clear he’d be up for round two, Jamie has repeatedly said no.

I pace the apartment, wondering where she could be. I call the divey bar on the corner near our condo, but she hasn’t been there in days. I call Steve and Anderson, but they haven’t talked to her. They give me the names of a few other mutual friends. I call them, but nobody’s heard from her tonight.

Shit, shit, shit.

Even though I know it will do no good whatsoever, I call the police. I’m coherent enough to forgo 911 and call the station directly. I speak to the officer in charge, explaining that my roommate came home plastered, but she’s not here now and I’m worried that she’s dead in a ditch somewhere.

He’s nice enough—but he’s also not sending anyone to help. Not until she’s been gone for a hell of a lot longer than a few hours.

I close my eyes and think. Maybe she said something to Edward? That she was going to change and go clubbing? That she was going to visit a friend? That she was going to LAX to splurge on a red-eye to New York?

I don’t have a number for Edward, and my finger hesitates over Damien’s name. I’m not ready to talk to him, but I have to know. I suck in a breath, count to three, and call.

He answers on the first ring and, damn me, I can’t even get the words out because of the tears that are clogging my throat.

I’m still on the phone with him, choking out the story, asking him if I can speak to Edward, when he walks through the front door. I blink in confusion as he walks to me and very gently takes the phone from my hand and ends the call.

“How did you get here so fast?”

“Edward is parked at the end of the block. I was planning to come over anyway, but I was giving you time.”

“Oh. Did you ask him?”

“She didn’t say anything to him,” Damien says. “And he walked her to the door and heard her lock it after he left. He assumed she’d be asleep in minutes.”

I press my hand against my forehead. I need to figure out what to do next, but it’s all blank. I don’t know what to do. I am completely lost—and I’m scared to death.

“She’s drunk and she’s pissed and she’s going to do something stupid.”

“Did you check for her car?”

“Dammit,” I say. “I didn’t even think about it.”

“She could have taken a taxi or had a friend pick her up, but if it’s still here, it’s a start. I can get one of my security guys calling the taxi services to see if there was a call, and then—”

I’ve been sprinting for the front door as he speaks, ready to go look at her parking space. I yank it open—and freeze at the site of Jamie standing there, her clothes askew, her hair a mess, but otherwise looking none the worse for the wear.

“James!” I pull her into my embrace, then back off long enough to inspect her for hidden injuries. “Are you okay? Where were you?”

She shrugs, but for just a second her eyes dart to the wall we share with Douglas.

“Oh, James,” I say, but she looks so damned miserable that I don’t say anything else. The lecture can wait. Right now, I need to put my very drunk, very upset best friend to bed.

“I’m going to go help her,” I tell Damien. I hesitate for a moment, then add, “I’ll be right back.”

He nods, and I help Jamie to her room, then out of her clothes. She slides into bed in her bra and panties. “I f*cked up, didn’t I?” she asks.

“Bryan Raine is the f*ck-up,” I say. “You just need to sleep.”

J. Kenner's Books