Claim Me(149)

“This is great,” Jamie says to Damien. “Thanks for bringing me.”

“Happy to have you along,” he says. His mood has been light since he’s returned from London.

“So the trip went well?” I ask once Jamie skips off to do the circuit.

“It did,” he says.

“Sofia’s okay?”

“She’s settled,” he says. “For her, that’s about as good as it gets. And I heard from Charles. He’s been working with my attorneys in Germany, and with any luck, that problem is going to go away as well.”

“You mean they won’t indict?”

He cocks his head to look at me. “That’s my hope.”

“That would be great,” I say. “And even though I don’t have a clue about international business or what kind of regulations the Germans think you mucked up, you know you can talk to me about that kind of thing. I may not get it, but I promise I’ll be supportive.”

The expression on his face is surprisingly guarded. “Someday when I’m ready, I will.” He pulls me in for a quick, chaste kiss. “And yes, I believe that you would understand.”

A smile flickers on my lips. I’m pleased, but I can’t help but think that we’re talking about entirely different things.

I don’t have the chance to ask, though, because the show is starting. We take our seats and watch the models parade down the runway in skimpy, sexy outfits, with Damien whispering his opinion as to exactly which outfits he wants to see me in. Reporters and photographers are at the base of the runway, and I realize that Charles has made good on his promise—the press is leaving me and Damien alone. Some weight inside me lifts a little, and I lean back in my chair and enjoy the freedom of knowing that, at least for a moment, I am not a bug under a microscope.

When the show is over, the guests are encouraged to mingle and imbibe from one of the many cash bars while the crew sets up for the charity auction. I look around for Jamie, but she has already disappeared into the crowd, presumably to jump all over that imbibing thing.

Instead, I see Ollie, and I suck in a tight breath. He is talking with a woman who looks somewhat familiar, but I can’t place her. Damien hasn’t seen him yet, but I know the exact moment when Ollie’s glance finds us.

I’m not sure why I’m surprised that he’s here. After all, he works with Charles Maynard. The crowd shifts, and I see a pretty, dark-haired woman coming toward him with two drinks in her hands. Courtney. And then Ollie and Courtney and the other woman are all heading our way. I grab Damien’s hand and smile my Social Nikki smile. It is the first time I’ve felt the need to be so armed against Ollie, but I know that I need both the mask and Damien’s strength, and that knowledge makes me sad.

“Nikki, Damien, it’s good to see you here.”

“Ollie,” Damien says politely. He glances at the two women.

“Courtney,” I say, “it’s so good to see you again.” I give her a little hug, then formally introduce her to Damien.

“Great to meet you,” Courtney says, then turns her attention to me. “I’m planning a destination wedding shower, but I haven’t decided where yet.” She shifts toward Damien, including him as she speaks to me. “Tell me you two will come? And Jamie and Raine, too.”

Automatically, my eyes dart to Ollie’s, but his expression is too guarded to read.

“I’m looking forward to hearing all the details,” I say diplomatically. The truth is I’m not sure there is going to be a wedding, much less a shower. Courtney, however, doesn’t seem the least bit worried.

J. Kenner's Books