Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(52)

I had only met this bloke Lee, the Saturday before but he was already making me feel sick with the way he kept telling me how beautiful I was. I must’ve been getting better at this gig; he was the third bloke I’d bought into Kings in three weeks.

Cam was always polite to me, always said hello and always asked how I was, my response was always the same. “Fuck you!”

But it didn’t put him off; week after week he would watch me walk in with my latest conquest with a certain kind of sadness in his eyes. I stood at the bar with Lee waiting to be served, when I noticed Cam come out of his office, he saw me straight away and walked toward me. “Georgia, how are ya?”

I turned away but Lee had heard him, he looked from me to Cam and said, “Fuck off mate, she’s with me.”

Cam totally ignored him. “Georgia, how are ya?” he repeated.

Lee had just been served and had our drinks in his hands, he put them down on the bar, turned to Cam and said, “Look mate, do yourself a favour, this one’s taken, she’s with me so f*ck off.”

I know it was a horrible thing to do but at this stage of my life I was a horrible person so I looked at Lee, then turned to Cam and wrapped my arms around his neck and said, “I’m good Cam, how are you babe?”

Lee pulled me back by my shoulder so hard, that I spun around and was facing the bar, I didn’t really see what happened next, I assume one of them threw a punch. I heard glass breaking and people seemed to move in all directions, I turned back to see two of the bouncers grab Lee by his arms and start walking him toward the door.

“Georgia!” he called out to me.

“Fuck off Lee, we’re done.” I called back. Next thing I knew, Cam had a hold of my hand and was pulling me toward his office. I tried to dig my heels in and stiffen my legs but he was too strong, so I tried to yank my hand from his grip.

“Get off me!” I screamed but he just gripped tighter and pulled me harder, almost throwing me inside his office.

He slammed the door and locked it behind us. “What the f*ck are doing? You f*cking idiot.”

He actually scares me when I look at him, he looks so f*cking angry; he stalks over to the his desk and pours almost half a tumbler of JD from a bottle, he stands still for a few seconds, breathing heavily, his eyes narrowed and fixed on me, he puts the glass to his lips and drinks the whole lot. Shit I think, that’s got to burn. “What I’m doing Georgia, is trying to keep both you and me the f*ck out of trouble.”

“Well thanks and all that but I can look after myself.” He lets out a little laugh and does his usual head shake.

“Why, tell me why kitten, every other week, you waltz in here with a different little play thing in tow, licking your boots and panting all around you. Why, why do you do it? Are you trying to piss me off, or are you trying to prove something to yourself?”

“Like I told you before, what I do has f*ck all to do with you and why would me coming in here with a bloke piss you off anyway? You don’t give a shit, you made that clear the night you dragged me over here for a drink with you, then totally ignored me when you found out who I was so don’t f*cking start with me about trying to piss you off.”

I keep my back to the door of the office but reach behind me and turn the handle, it’s locked and he must have the key, I lose my temper completely, grab the handle with both hands, turn it, pull it and kick the door.

“Open the f*cking door!” I scream. I feel his hand on my shoulder; he pulls me around and kisses me hard on the mouth. I grab his hair and pull it as hard as I can, despite the force of his kiss. His lips are soft and warm, he tastes of whiskey or bourbon or whatever the shit is that he drinks and he smells delicious; I’ve had months of mindless, faceless sex and not one single orgasm but right now, I feel like I could come at any minute, just from his kiss. I bite down gently on his bottom lip and he moans into my mouth and my legs almost give way; his big hands run down either side of my body, his thumbs brush over my boobs as he drags them down from my armpits to my waist, he splays them over my hips, then over my arse cheeks as he pulls me into him and grinds.

Lesley Jones's Books