Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(183)

“What time you on?” I ask him.

“In about an hour, how you feeling?”

“I feel fine.” He nods at me as he rubs his hand over my belly and leaves it to rest there.

“Congratulations on the baby, do you know what you’re having?” Footballer Tony asks. We do but it’s not public knowledge and we both say no together and laugh.

We politely say our goodbyes and make our way over to the rest of the band. I give my brother, Tom and Billy a cuddle and every one wishes me a happy birthday and comments on my bump. Sean spends the next half hour with his hand protectively over my belly as people come over and talk and congratulate us and I can’t believe how much our son responds to his Daddy’s voice and every time I feel a little kick, Sean looks at me with the most heart breaking smile on his face but he doesn’t say a word, it’s just between us, communication between us and our son.

We had first felt him move when Sean had got back from America, I thought that I’d felt a few flutterings during the week Sean was away but as soon as he started talking in the car on the way back from the airport where I had gone to pick him up with Milo, I’d felt a definite kick and had grabbed Sean’s hand and placed it on my belly.

“Say something let him know you’re home, he’s missed you.”

Sean’s eyes had filled with tears as he said, “Hello little man, hope you’ve been a good boy for your Mum while I’ve been gone?”

The rapid movements actually made me feel quite sick but I said nothing, loving the sensation and the look of absolute pure joy and love on Sean’s face. Since then we’d spent endless hours lying on the floor or the bed at home, Sean, singing or talking to my belly as our little boy kicked and squirmed inside me. We knew he had to stay there until he was cooked and ready to be born but we were beside ourselves with excitement and couldn’t wait till we could finally meet him.

Len appeared as if by magic, my handsome, organised, big brother and manger of Carnage.

“Ten minutes,” he lets the boys know, he kisses Jim, then Ash and then turns to me. “Look at my baby sister, happy birthday, you look stunning George, pregnancy definitely suits you, can’t believe how much that belly’s grown in a couple of weeks.” He kisses my cheek.

“Don’t she look f*cking gorgeous, Len.” I blush furiously as I feel like the eyes of the whole place are on me. Sean kisses my cheek. “Sorry baby, didn’t mean to embarrass ya, I’m just so proud of my beautiful Wife and the fact that the little person inside your belly was put there by me.”

I don’t respond at first, I can’t, I know that I will cry if I speak, I swallow down my sobs as I whisper to him, “I love you so much Sean, so much.”

He smiles down at me. “I know you do, but I still love you more.”

“Never.” I smile and shake my head.

“Right people, time please.” Len claps his hands.

Sean kisses me. “Stand where Milo tells ya, I want to be able to see ya, don’t leave his side.”

I smile and shake my head. “Go, I’ll be fine.”

There’s about two thousand people at the event and many of them are now crowded around the stage waiting to watch Carnage perform. Len has gone with the boys and Jimmie and Ash grab each of my hands and lead us out of the marquee to where Milo is waiting for us with two more security staff from the event, they lead us through the crowd to the front of the stage, where there is a small sectioned off area, there are a couple of people already there but I don’t know them.

Lesley Jones's Books