Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(181)

“Don’t talk shit, I’d do anything for you and the baby, I want you safe G, I want you and the baby safe and I will do anything, give up the band if that’s what it’s gonna take.”

“We’ll take on extra security and see how we go, let’s not make any decisions until after the baby’s here, I love you, stop worrying.”

* * *

The photographs of us on the beach actually do us a massive favour, they’re really quite beautiful and show nothing but a couple in love and enjoying each other, they put paid to the ridiculous rumours about Sean’s sexuality. They show Whorely up for the complete liar that she is and have hopefully convinced the press of what a complete bullshit artist she is and they will now actually leave us alone and move on, looking for their next victim.

The Monday after we arrive home, we are back at Richard Curtis’s office for my twelve week ultrasound and we have been told that as long as the baby is lying in the right position, we might be able to find out the sex.

Sean has a tight clammy grip of my hand as the room fills with the now familiar whoosh of our baby’s heartbeat, all of my other checks were fine, my blood pressure is perfect, nothing unusual was detected in my urine sample and my bloods have all come back fine. Despite this, we are both as nervous as hell as we look from each other to the screen. It’s amazing the difference a few weeks make, we can now clearly see the baby’s spine and arms and legs, the doctor calls out information to the nurse and she types everything into the computer, I stare, amazed that all of this is going on inside of my belly and as yet I haven’t felt a thing.

“Look at his arms move about G, dya reckon he’s gonna be a drummer?” I smile at Sean.

“Shit I hope not, listening to you practise guitar in the early days was hard enough, let alone listening to an aspiring drummer.”

“Cheers babe and there was me thinking that one of the reasons you loved me back then was because of my amazing guitar skills.”

“No, I loved you because I couldn’t not, I loved you because it was what I was put on this earth to do.” I look away from the screen and back to Sean, his eyes are full to the brim with tears, he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my palm gently, I realise the room is silent, Richard Curtis and his nurse Moira are both staring at us.

“Well,” Professor Curtis breaks the silence. “Your baby has decided to cooperate, we don’t usually tell parents the sex until the sixteen week scan because we can’t really be sure until then but looking at these images, I’m pretty confident that you have a son on the way, congratulations.” I burst into tears.

“A son G, we’re having a boy.” I nod and smile through my tears. “Thank you, thank you so much,” Sean says through his own tears.

The doctor and nurse leave us alone for five minutes while we pull ourselves together, eventually returning to tell us that everything is perfect. We make an appointment to return in four weeks and head home to share our news with our family. Sean actually doesn’t wait until we get home, he’s on the phone to Marley as soon as we are out of the building, then Lennon, then he insists we call into my parents on the way home, where him and my Dad share almost the entire contents of an eighteen year old bottle of Laphroaig whiskey and from where I end up driving us home and putting a very drunk, but ecstatically happy Sean to bed.


Thanks to the hot and steamy photo shoot we did before leaving for Portugal and the pictures taken of us on the beach, the press left us alone for the rest of summer.

Over the years, Sean and I had done a few shoots together, but that was by far the raunchiest, the photographer had me wearing not a lot and draped all over Sean on a motorbike, wrapped around him in bed and various other poses where we looked as though we were having sex with our clothes on. They were all very tasteful and I must admit, the whole thing got us pretty turned on, to the point where the helicopter taking us to the airport cost Sean an extra thousand pounds as we were late getting ready after the unplanned sex we had, twice, once we got home. Best grand he ever spent in my book.

Lesley Jones's Books