Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(121)

He nods in agreement. “Exactly, that’s why you shouldn’t be so hard on her, she f*cked up. We all do it at least once in our lives, most of us even more.”

“Yeah, I know, I’ll sort it between us, I promise.”

“Make sure you do, right, enjoy yourselves and behave, your pupils are already like saucers.” He narrows his eyes at me. “I’m watching you Georgia, no doing any of that shit in public, you never know who might be watching, especially as you’re practically famous now.” He kisses my hair and leaves, kisses Jims cheek and leaves.

“Shit George, your brothers are so f*ckin’ good lookin’, even your Mum and Dad are still hot.”

“Eww, Ash.”

“Well it’s true and then look, your brothers marrying Jimmie and she’s gorgeous, you lot are gonna produce the next generation of beautiful people between ya’s.” Jimmie and I just shake our heads and laugh, Ashley’s buzzing. We call her machine gun lips when she’s on, because she talks so fast.

The VIP bar has its own dance floor overlooking the main dance floor, with the same music pumped in through a hidden sound system. Friday nights are always dance music nights and I can’t keep still, I love dancing, after so many years of not listening to music, I found that when I first started coming to clubs with Ash, that I just couldn’t stand still. I don’t know if it was because I was pretty sure I wouldn’t hear a Carnage song in a nightclub and I just relaxed enough to enjoy myself or maybe it was the drugs but I just had to dance and tonight it didn’t matter either way, in fact I would love to hear a Carnage song, just so that I could dance my arse off to it.

Ash, Jimmie and I headed down to the main dance floor as no one was dancing up in our section yet. We had arrived early so that Ash was there to greet her guests, but most wouldn’t arrive until after midnight, which is when we usually turned up. We dance for four or five songs and when we get sick of fighting off the unwanted attention of sweaty men, we head upstairs; as soon as we enter the bar. I know that Sean is there, I just feel it, feel him, it was like, long fingers of electricity reached out from him, toward me, even if they didn’t quite touch me. I could still feel the current, the pull and I think it worked in reverse for him, at least I hoped it did.

Ashley had warned all of her friends that the boys would be here tonight and she had asked them all not to ask for autographs and just treat them as normal blokes on a night out, which I should’ve realised to some women meant that they could chat them up as they would any other good looking blokes. I spotted Marley first; he was taller than Len now, who he was stood next to. Sean was right at the end and seemed to be receiving the most attention from Jill and Coral, Ashley’s two friends who had arrived in the limo with us, they were both dressed like cheap, nasty sluts and had not shut up about Sean and Marley all night. I had reminded them earlier that Sean was my boyfriend and they had given me an ‘of course he his sweetheart’ patronizing type of smile, why would they believe me? If all they ever read were the newspaper stories about him and Marley. Why would they believe he suddenly had a girlfriend? Why would anyone? Suddenly that old familiar rage I used to feel, back when the band were just starting out, started to burn inside me and I clenched my fists, Jimmie didn’t miss it, not for a second.

“George, no trouble.” I didn’t even look at her, I just walked over to where they all stood, Jill had her hand on Sean’s chest, so I grabbed it and bent it back as far as I dare, she yelped out in pain. “Get your f*ckin’ hands off him.”

“Whoa, whoa, Georgia.” Lennon jumped in and pulled my hand from hers.

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