
I grab onto his forearms as he eases me down until my ass is planted on top of the speaker, my skirt inching up as I sit, displaying the tops of my lace thigh highs.
“Fuck me, are you wearing garters?” he asks with a growl in his voice.
I answer him by leaning back on my hands and spreading my legs, forcing the material of my skirt to ride a little higher and the black garters hooked to the lace against my thighs to peek out beneath it.
I watch his Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallows thickly while he stares down at my legs.
“Don’t move,” he tells me as he starts to back away.
I look at him questioningly and he stops moving. “Do you trust me?”
Nodding my head at him, I stay completely still as he turns away and walks over to the corner of the room. The room is dark but for a few small track lights in the ceiling, so he’s almost swallowed by the shadows and I can barely make out what he’s doing in the corner. When I hear the door close followed by the sound of the lock being turned, I decide I don’t care what he’s doing. The fact that he’s locked the door means he doesn’t want any interruptions and that can only be a good thing.
I hear a few clicks in the quiet room and a few seconds later, the silence is filled by the low sound of music coming from the speaker right beneath me.
He walks back towards me, coming out of the shadows until he’s standing right in front of me with a black remote control in his hand.
Without a word, he sets the remote down on top of the speaker next to me.
The one word from his mouth is spoken softly, but with conviction and I have no choice but to comply.
Without getting up from the speaker, I slide the zipper on the side of my skirt down, lifting my hips just enough to push it past my thighs until it drops to my feet and I kick it aside. I maintain eye contact as I move my hands to the hem of my shirt and slowly slide it up my body and over my head, tossing it so it lands right on top of my discarded skirt.
I look at him questioningly and watch wordlessly as he pulls his own shirt off of his body and drops it by his feet. My throat closes up and my mouth waters when I take in that deep vee by his tapered hips and the tight muscles of his abs and chest. He lowers his body to the ground until he’s on his knees in front of me, sliding one hand up the smooth, silky material of my thigh high until his palm is clutching my hip.
“Spread your legs,” he orders quietly.
I do as he asks, spreading my legs until he can inch his large body between my thighs, the bare skin of his stomach pressing against the black lace of the thong covering my sex that’s already wet with need for him. Leaning back on my hands again, I push my lace-covered breasts out, silently willing him to put his mouth on them.
He leans forward and my thighs clench in anticipation of his warm, wet mouth on my nipples. I feel his breath skate over my skin but I don’t feel his lips on me just yet. His other hand reaches for the remote he left sitting on top of the speaker and he brings it between us.
I look down and watch as his thumb presses one of the buttons. The speaker beneath me slowly rumbles to life and the soft, faint strings of music that surrounded us begin to grow louder and louder.
He presses another button and the familiar drumbeat to the opening bars of the song “Closer” begin to thump through the room.
With another quick press of his thumb, the bass on the speaker is turned up until I can feel the pounding pulse of the music vibrating through my body.
I remember listening to the words of this song back in high school and thinking they were so dirty and hardcore. I remember how Trent Reznor’s voice shouting ‘I want to f*ck you like an animal’ made me wish I wasn’t so afraid and that one day I’d be brave enough to allow Collin to do just that.

Tara Sivec's Books