
Collin wraps both of his arms around my waist and peppers my back with kisses while I try and catch my breath, wondering if I’ll ever get enough of this man.
“Jesus, I can’t get enough of you,” he mutters against me, voicing my own thoughts. “I’m already thinking about f*cking you again.”
I smile to myself as he runs his hands over the skin of my upper back.
“Fuck, the things I want to do to your body should be illegal.”
Lifting my head, I look over my shoulder at him. “I’m perfectly fine with that. As soon as I recover, you can do anything you want to my body.”
His eyes darken and I know he’s contemplating all the things he wants to do to me. I’m fairly certain that most, if not all of them, will be new experiences for me and I shiver in anticipation.
The distant sound of the front door opening and slamming shut brings me out of my orgasm-induced euphoria and I jerk up from the dresser, pushing Collin away from me in the process. He gives me a strange look, clearly confused for a moment, and I realize he must not have heard what I did.
There’s only one person who has a key to this house, one person who would be walking through that front door right now.
I shouldn’t have ignored his calls. I should have acted like an adult and talked to him. I knew that going radio silent would piss him off and eventually he’d ignore everything I said to him the day he left about how I couldn’t stand to look at him and I never wanted to see him again.
The separation papers obviously weren’t enough for him. Seeing me freshly f*cked from another man and that man still in our home, a man who he’s always hated for the simple fact that I dated him first, is going to be one big wake-up call for him. Part of me wants to grab Collin’s hand and drag him out into the living room without a care about our nakedness and shove it right down Jordan’s throat. The other part of me, the more logical, less bitchy side, wants to hide Collin in the closet and keep what we just did a secret. Not because I’m ashamed, or I feel guilty, but because bringing this out in the open will make it real. Making it real means it can be taken away at any moment and I’m not ready to let this go just yet. I don’t know if this is rebound sex, a way to get back at Jordan sex or something more than sex. It’s too new and too fresh and I haven’t had time to process it yet. I’m still in a little bubble of bliss and I’m not ready for that bubble to be popped.
“Finnley? Babe! I’m home!”
I cringe when I hear Jordan’s shout. Judging by the angry look on Collin’s face, my bubble of bliss just exploded and Jordan was holding the sharp pin of destruction.

Chapter 10—Powderkeg

I CANNOT BELIEVE this is f*cking happening right now.
“Please, just stay in here,” Finnley begs for the third time as I watch her quickly throw on a short, black robe she grabs from the end of the bed.
I cross my arms in front of me, silently fuming, as she rushes towards the door. She looks back over her shoulder at me, her brown eyes filled with worry and sadness.
“Please,” she whispers brokenly one last time before turning away and rushing down the hall, the door pulling closed behind her.
I hear her footsteps as she races down the stairs followed by the sounds of murmured voices before I finally let the anger that’s been simmering just under the surface since I head him speak her f*cking name boil over. Picking up a pillow from the end of the bed, I bunch it in my hands and then chuck it as hard as I can at the mirror hanging behind the door, equal parts pissed off and grateful that it wasn’t something harder. Gripping my hands in my hair so tight my eyes start to water, I pace around the room while the voices down below get increasingly louder.

Tara Sivec's Books