
“Fuck, I’m coming!” he shouts against my lips as he grinds his pelvis against me. I feel his cock pulse inside me with each spurt of his release and I squeeze my kegel muscles, milking him and pulling each and every drop into my body.
His grinding abruptly ceases as his body slumps against mine and he buries his face into the side of my neck. I take a deep breath in and hold it, trying unsuccessfully to slow my racing heart. I can still feel his cock inside of me, twitching with the last remnants of his orgasm and I wait once again for guilt to overwhelm me, for the rush of shame over what I’ve just done to take hold and the tears start to fall.
I’ve just taken another man inside my body. I let him come inside me and it was better than anything I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve only allowed one other man to do this to me and it should feel like a betrayal of everything we meant to each other. I should be ashamed that I just tarnished the one and only perfect thing that was left between us. I can no longer say that Jordan is the only man I’ve ever had sex with. I can no longer hold my head up with pride knowing that, no matter what went wrong between us, there was one thing that neither of us would ever dare damage.
For reasons beyond my comprehension, the regret I’ve braced myself to deal with never comes.
I feel nothing right now but exhaustion and satisfaction…
And the slow stirrings of arousal when I think about repeating what just happened between us as soon as possible.

Chapter 9—Fuel the Fire

I STARE AT myself in the full-length mirror behind my bedroom door, gazing in open fascination at the flush that colors the skin that runs from my breasts up to my cheeks and the wild tangle of chestnut curls that hangs around my face. Twisting my body and turning my head to look back over my shoulder, I see red marks along my upper back, a stark reminder of the force of Collin’s thrusts as he pummeled me into the wall. Dropping my gaze lower, I’m confronted with further evidence of his possession in the form of his fingerprints dotting both cheeks of my ass, and I find myself unable to stop the satisfied smile that takes over my face as I recall the way he dug his fingers into me and slammed my body against him
Jordan left his mark on me only once during the course of our marriage, smacking my ass so hard that it brought tears to my eyes. After I punched him in the arm and threatened to cut off his balls, he swore he’d never do it again. Rough sex is not something that ever held any appeal for me. I certainly never thought being f*cked against a wall so hard it left marks would turn me on, but I find myself staring at the results of what we just did and feeling that familiar stirring between my legs again.
I hear the water shut off in the bathroom across the hall and turn away from the mirror before Collin sees that I’ve been obsessively eyeing all the things he did to my body. I’m not fast enough, though, and the dimple in his cheek stands out when he smirks at me as he strolls naked into the room,
“Checking out my handy work?” he asks, coming to stand behind me while I rummage through my dresser drawer for a pair of underwear and a tank top, trying to pretend like that wasn’t exactly what I’d been doing.
“Don’t get so cocky, Mr. McDaniels,” I warn, glancing at him over my shoulder.
He presses his body against my back and I feel his cock, hot and hard between the cheeks of my ass.
Jesus, how in the hell is he already hard again?
“I’m pretty sure I earned the right to be a little cocky,” he whispers close to my ear.
I can’t even think of a sufficient comeback because he’s right. He definitely went above and beyond tonight and I won’t deny him his right to gloat. After giving me two mind-numbing orgasms, he’s certainly earned it.

Tara Sivec's Books