Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(51)
Just then female whimpers echoed from outside.
Bronto stiffened. Ivy glanced around the hut, focusing on the fire’s shadow dancing along the far wall. “Did you hear that?” she whispered.
“I sure did. Shhh.” He dressed in his loincloth and stood. “Stay right there,” he said as he picked up his rifle and strolled to the door.
“No,” she blurted in a low voice. “I’m going with you. What if it’s an alien and it’s trying to lure you outside?”
“You’re right.” He nodded and held out his hand. “Come on.”
She dashed to her feet so fast it took a moment for the painful stretch of her belly to register. But it did with breath-stopping pain. She bit on her lower lip until the throb eased then she adjusted the frock around her thighs and walked to the doorway.
“Stay behind me, love. If I tell you to run, get inside Vulcan’s hut as fast as you can.”
Nodding, she gripped his fingers and followed him outside, staying as snug as possible to his back. This was creepy and scary and she trembled in fear.
The moonlight offered enough lighting to give them a clear view of the surroundings. The forest was completely dark, though, and she felt as if numerous eyes were on her. And they probably were because many men stood guard in the trees. Gosh, she hoped it was the guards who were unnerving her.
She gulped and squeezed Bronto’s hand. He stopped at each hut and assessed the large space between them before moving on to the next. When they reached Vulcan’s the whimpers started again.
Trees rustled. Bronto halted. Ivy slapped a hand over her mouth. Bronto must have sensed she was ready to scream because he released her fingers, reached backward and draped his arm across her lower spine.
When the trees rustled again, he pulled her closer.
A shadow emerged.
“If you keep it up, I’m going to drop you,” Zypher said, his voice filtering through the darkness.
Ivy melded against Bronto and sighed in relief.
“Zypher, what are you doing?” Bronto asked.
As Zypher materialized from the shadows, Ivy noticed he was carrying a woman. A Mountain Slayer female with knotted hair who looked as if she’d been beaten.
Ivy gasped. “What are you going to do with her?”
He glanced at the female and grinned. “I found her. I’m keeping her.”