Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(49)
It was too soon for Ivy to witness a mutant after her abduction. Jesus, it was too soon for anyone. He still hadn’t recovered emotionally from how close he’d been to losing her. Then to hope she was nearly back to normal only to discover the gouges across her belly flaming with an infection. Thank God for Jade because he doubted he could have cut Ivy to lance the wound. Sure, he’d played doctor numerous times on previous missions but to intentionally inflict pain on her was out of the question. Right. He would’ve done it if he had no choice. It might’ve killed him but to save her he would’ve done anything.
Now, here the bastard aliens appeared to be starting all over.
He ran a hand through his hair and his fingers slid through something wet. He looked at the green slime strung between his fingers then wiped it off on his loincloth. The contamination level around this place had to be at an ultimate high. Well, on him anyway. He didn’t know if the slimy liquid was infested with worms or gnats or some type of flesh-eating organisms. He needed to get rid of it before it absorbed into his blood and he turned into some kind of alien, mutant, monster species.
“Ivy, I’m going to the lake to clean up,” he said.
“I’m coming with you. And my mom too. The walk will do her good.”
“Will you be all right?” he asked, referring to her wound without actually disclosing its existence to Nodda.
“Yes.” She nodded. “Come on, Momma,” she said, urging her mother to her feet.
The woman appeared extremely distressed and her legs wobbled as she took a stance. Her entire body trembled. Bronto lunged to help steady her if the need arose. “Are you sure she feels up to it?”
“I don’t know,” Ivy replied. “She’s awfully weak.”
“She can stay here with me, Ivy,” Wisteria said, taking hold of Nodda’s hands.
“Then I’ll stay as well,” Ivy stated.
“No, child,” Nodda said. “We’ll all go. I think a cold swim will do me good right now.”
“You’re sure?” Bronto asked, studying her closely. She wasn’t shaking as profusely and appeared to be regaining her strength.
“I-I can make it,” she replied.
“Ladies, I need a minute to grab my rifle and a change of clothes. Stay here with Vulcan.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Ivy, I told you it was too soon to get the wound wet. Jade is going to kill me when she hears I let you bathe,” Bronto grumbled while he sat between Ivy’s thighs and applied fresh bandages to her belly. “She won’t care that your stubbornness gave me no choice.”
Ivy giggled at his disgruntled tone. “But it’s clean and feels better. I’ll tell Jade the truth.” It was worth sitting in the shallow water and talking with her mom. Momma cried a lot but finally accepted the death of her husband and son. Having endured the demise of so many loved ones, Momma wasn’t a stranger to loss.
“You do that,” he agreed.
“I will.” When her mom had submerged herself waist-deep, Ivy couldn’t pass on the opportunity. “At least me and my mom had a nice conversation.” It also gave her a chance to clean the wound and to freshen up, having made love the night before. With her infertile phase out of the way for another twenty-something days… Oh gosh, who tended to her needs during those two days she’d slept? Bronto knew enough about a woman’s body to…
Maybe Jade had considered Ivy’s dignity and handled the task on her own. Hopefully she’d taken it upon herself. Well, she didn’t hope but she was more hopeful she’d done it instead of Bronto. That would’ve been really…
She couldn’t think about it anymore. Even though she tried pushing the thought aside, her cheeks felt red hot.
She grinded her back into the fur and threw an arm over her face. The last thing she wanted to do at the moment was look into his eyes.
“Ivy-love, what’s the matter?”
“You were pretty chatty a moment ago.”
A moment ago things hadn’t occurred to her. “I’m just thinking.”
“About my mom.” It wasn’t a total lie. “You’re sure Jade won’t mind that she’ll be sleeping in her hut for a few days?”
“Not at all.”
“What if she decides to stay? What if she can’t bear being at home alone without my father? Shale is her only child residing there but she said he pays her no attention.”
Bronto smiled and glanced at her over his nose. “Love, your mother is welcome to stay here. We’ll build her a hut.”
Ivy’s eyes widened. “You would do that?”
“Yes, of course.” His hand moved from her tummy to her face where he traced her jaw and chin with his finger.
“It’s no wonder I love you, Bronto.”
“Is it a good thing?” he asked, lowering his voice to a whisper.
She sensed his mouth drawing near. “Yes.”
He pressed his lips lightly to the tip of her nose. “But I love you more.”
“How much?” She swallowed. “Tell me.”
His warm mouth briefly touched hers and his breath tickled her cheeks. “More than life.”