Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(38)

Jade observed Ivy’s ankle. She then looked at the stream of water trickling along the inside rock wall and then at the small waterhole. “We will,” she replied, moving toward Ivy.

“Ladies, stay close together. There is safety in numbers. Is anyone armed besides Ivy?”

“I have my weaving knife,” Jade replied while reaching into her pocket.

He nodded in approval then glanced longingly into Ivy’s eyes. She blew him a kiss right before he stepped outside and closed the door.

He’d dreaded when this day would come. They were as prepared as they could be but he suddenly felt as if it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Caging the baby dinosaurs as bait to pluck the aliens from the forest one at a time was a great idea but it seemed too easy. The damn species were too smart to fall for that plan.

Running a hand through his hair, he parked his ass near Zypher and visually searched the trees. “How many are we talking? Any idea?”

Zypher shook his head. “At least ten so far.”

“One took an interest in Ivy. Do you know where it went? It’s missing a hand.”

“Yeah,” Zypher replied, his gaze focused straight ahead. “I’m looking at it.”

Bronto raised his M21 and glanced through the scope. The green SOB stood partially hidden behind a pine tree, holding its injured arm against its chest. Blood dripped from the severed stub and ran along its forearm. A long, red, split tongue hissed in and out of its mouth like a snake. “He’s mine,” Bronto said as he took aim at its heart and disengaged the trigger. The kickback from the blast knocked Bronto’s shoulder but the bullet hit the target and the alien dropped.

Suddenly rapid gunfire exploded as the species charged from all directions, racing into the camp. The women screamed, obviously frightened by the blasts and commotion. He couldn’t blame them. He at least had a ringside view of what the hell was going on.

An alien darted between the tree branches as it raced toward the horses. Its arm sprang into the yard and it clamped on to Zypher’s legs. It yanked, pulling his feet out from under him, and Zypher’s back slammed the dirt.

Bronto plugged a bullet between its eyes. It fell near Vulcan’s black stallion. The horse reared on its hind legs then landed, crushing the alien’s skull.

The women’s screams surpassed a hysterical level. Bronto swung around and assessed the leather walls for stray bullet holes. There weren’t any he could see from his angle, nor was it possible for the species to sneak behind him and Zypher to breach the doorway.

“Bronto!” a female shrieked. “Bronto! Vulcan!”

Another alien crawled from between the huts, its gnarly fingers dragging its body across the ground as if it had no use of its legs. Zypher rolled over in that instant and discharged the rifle, blowing the creature’s head off. Blood and brain particles burst into the air, sounding like rain when they splattered the soil.

Little by little the gunfire tapered to a stop but the women continued screaming and Birmon squawked in a frenzy. Bronto lunged at the door and flung it open. Four of the ladies were huddled in the southwest corner, hugging and squeezing each other and crying. He stepped inside and his heart lunged to his throat. “Where’s Ivy?”

“She’s gone,” Jade blurted.

“What do you mean, gone? Where is she?”

Wisteria clung to Pearl and was sobbing so hard she didn’t appear to be breathing. “Where!” he shouted.

Jade flinched as she pointed to the roof.

Sucking air, he raised his eyes to the ventilation hole. The leather was torn and the opening twice its original size. Dear God.

“They took her, Bronto,” Pearl wailed. “They reached in and took her.”

The color drained from his face and he dug his feet in the ground to prevent himself from swooning. His heart thundered in panic and he refused to let them see the fear that soared through his guts like a raging fire. Pain racked his body. The worst pain he’d ever felt in his life. In his moment of dread he barged outside, removing himself from the women’s view.

No sooner had he reached the corner of the hut than he dragged mouthful after mouthful of air into his lungs.

He’d failed Ivy. He’d miserably failed to protect her. Oh dear God, the fear she endured. The aliens were desperate. It would only be a matter of time before they strapped her down and turned her into an experiment.

Fuck. Fuck!

“Zypher, they have Ivy,” he shouted.

“Who?” Zypher spun around and looked at the hut.

“The species. They pulled her through the ventilation hole.”

“Then what the f*ck are you doing standing here? Let’s go,” Zypher hollered then whistled to garner Vulcan’s attention. “They’ve captured Ivy,” he shouted. “We’d better find her before they turn her into a f*cking mutant.”

“Go,” Vulcan shouted. “I’ll secure the women then catch up to you guys.”

Bronto felt as if Zypher bashed him in the head with a rock. A mutant? Jesus, he hadn’t given that a thought. His guts were busting apart with worry that they’d drain her blood.

His jugular twitched and his heart pounded so fiercely it reached his ears. “They were able to avoid us so they must have fled east,” he said, peering eastward above the huts. “Let’s hope the tribe guarding the area stopped them.”

Jennifer LaRose's Books