Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(35)
“I-I…” Jade tried containing herself but failed. “I can’t imagine…”
“I’m glad you think it’s so funny but he really frightened me.” Ivy’s tummy hurt worse, possibly because she started laughing harder.
“Thank you, Ivy. I needed that.”
“Come. Let’s find Rocko. You need to speak with him.” Ivy stood, offering her hand. Warm moisture gushed between her thighs. “Oh gosh,” she murmured. “I think I just entered my infertile phase.” No wonder she woke with belly cramps.
Jade set the weaving aside and rose to her feet.
“Do you have bottoms I can borrow? I left mine in Bronto’s hut when you gave me this beautiful frock to wear.”
“Of course, baby doll.” Jade smiled sweetly while laying Ivy’s hair over her shoulder. “They’re in my crate. Help yourself.”
Ivy walked to the end of the hut and opened a crate that was very similar to Bronto’s. An assortment of folded clothing lay inside. She shuffled through it carefully, removed the first bottom garment she found and quickly slipped it on. “May I ask another favor?”
Jade approached and rested her hand on Ivy’s shoulder. “Yes. Anything.”
“I don’t have any—”
“There are small pelts in the supply hut for this purpose. Help yourself.”
“Thank you, but I’d rather…” Ivy glanced at her toes and picked at her fingers. Why the sudden jitters? They’d just discussed men planting their seed and a spanking. How could she suddenly feel humiliated by the subject of her infertile phase? “Can I try…would it be okay,” she sighed and shrugged, “to use one of those tampons?”
“Absolutely.” She lifted Ivy’s chin with a gentle hand. “Do you know how they work?”
Ivy meekly shook her head.
“You insert them inside your vagina.”
My what? Her eyes widened.
“Your,” Jade lowered her gaze to the center of Ivy’s thighs then recaptured her eyes, “female core. I don’t mean to sound crass but where Bronto inserts his penis.”
Oh gosh. How embarrassing. She nodded. “Th-thank you,” she said while heading toward the door.
She halted but wouldn’t turn back around because it was suddenly very hard to look Jade in the eye. “Yes?”
“Don’t be embarrassed. We’re both women. You can talk to me about anything. You should know that by now. I confided in you. I want you to do the same.”
“Thank you,” Ivy said softly, taking another step toward the doorway.
“And, Ivy?”
Again she halted. “Yes?”
“Don’t forget to remove the outside wrapper on the tampon. You need to change them periodically too, depending on the severity of your flow. And you must dispose of the used ones. You don’t rinse them out to reuse as you do pelt squares.”
She nodded, dashed outside and walked quickly to the supply hut. Goodness, why was that so difficult? She sighed in relief and walked inside. Her belly fluttered in anticipation of trying something new. Stuffing leather squares between her thighs caused awful discomfort and cleanliness issues. Funny, they’d never bothered her before and she’d dealt with her infertile phase for six seasonal cycles. Or as Bronto would say, six years.
Pushing those thoughts aside, she found the tampons and removed one from the box. The wrapper crinkled but she tore it off quickly and inserted the tampon as Jade instructed. It was the most uncomfortable sensation she’d ever felt and it actually hurt when she walked. To lessen the pain, instead of walking normally she walked stiff-legged, side to side. She had a feeling tampons were overrated. There was no way she could sit, and standing for the next four or five days would be disastrous to her legs. She’d much rather wear a yucky pelt.
Slowly, very slowly, she inched outside. Jade stood beside the fire pit with her back to the hut. She either waited for Ivy or looked for Rocko. She turned around just as Ivy neared and her mouth dropped open.
“Ivy, what’s wrong?”
“This tampon hurts. Bronto said they’re supposed to be comfortable. That’s why I wanted to try it.”
“You removed the wrapper, right?” Jade asked.
“And,” Jade continued, nodding once gradually, “the cardboard?”
Ivy eyes broadened and darted around Jade’s face. “Cardboard?”
“Oh dear,” Jade murmured. “I should’ve been more specific. Come with me. No,” she yelped, holding up her hands, palms facing Ivy. “Better yet, stay right here.”
Ivy nodded and at the same time saw Bronto approaching from the direction of his hut. His hair free-flowed over his shoulders and chest and he looked as if he hadn’t slept all night. His blade was sheathed at his side so he might have stayed awake guarding the camp.
Despite the anger he’d caused, her heart pitter-pattered. She lowered her gaze to the fire before he caught her ogling him.
“Ivy, I need to see you,” he said. “Will you come with me to my hut, please?”
“She can’t. Not yet,” Jade replied. “We’re having a problem,” she yelled over her shoulder as she dashed into the supply hut.