Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(28)
He moved to wipe his forehead but she grabbed his hand midair. “I’ll do it.” She wiggled from beneath him and gently guided his head to the ground.
He suspected she’d wipe it with her hand but she lowered her face and swiped it off with her tongue. That innocent, harmless maneuver shot heat straight to his balls and damn, he botched the urge to contain a groan.
She sat up quickly. “What did I do?”
“You have no idea.”
“Did that feel good?”
He swallowed. “Yes, everything you do feels good, Ivy.”
She smiled a one-sided grin he’d never seen before. “It does?”
Ah, the teasing fire in her eyes lit his internal torch. His blood burst in flames and his cock swelled to a painful degree.
“So,” she said, relaxing onto her haunches and patting her lips with an index finger. “If I do this,” she continued as she slid her hand over his chest, “and this,” she added, pinching his nipple, “it feels good?”
He clamped his teeth to refrain from saying a few derogatory words she’d never heard before that had everything to do with flipping her onto her back and pumping his hips until she lost her mind.
“What about this?” she asked.
His gaze followed her hand to the cup. The farther she stretched, the lower her breasts inched toward his stomach. Once she had the mug in her possession she pressed her nipples into his flesh as she slid backward and reclaimed an upright position. Despite being fully clothed, those suckable hard peaks grasped his attention. Literally. And his mouth suddenly felt deprived.
The woman was looking for trouble and she’d find it if she poured the cup contents anywhere on his body. The manner in which she held it indicated that was exactly what she intended to do. He didn’t know whether to continue watching her chew seductively on her bottom lip or focus on the tilt of the mug hovering over his chest. He’d done some foolish things over time but he wasn’t an idiot and he lowered his gaze to her mouth.
What he expected to be a few drops of liquid became a slow stream. It traveled from his breastbone past the channel between his ribs to his abdomen where it pooled around his navel. Oh yeah, trouble—big-time.
She scrunched her neck into her shoulders and slapped her fingers over her mouth. “Oops. Sorry.”
If she expected to get a rise out of him, she did. Not the verbal one she probably anticipated but a rise nonetheless. If she kept it up his loincloth just might blow apart at the seams.
“I should probably take care of that, huh?” she asked, trying not to giggle, but the corners of her lips lifted.
He knew her intentions way before she twisted her hair into one thick tail and draped it behind her shoulder. As she lowered her face to his chest he filled his lungs with a hearty amount of air.
The sensation brought on by the initial lap of her warm tongue tracing his navel shot straight to his cock before it reached his brain and he practically heard the loincloth seams rip. As if her mouth gliding to his abdomen wasn’t causing a big enough stir in his pants, he expelled the air, propped himself on his elbows and watched the motion of her mouth. And he couldn’t, wouldn’t, look away even after she licked up every drop.
She caught him off guard when she unlatched the loincloth. With a rough tug she yanked it over his hips and slid it down his legs and off his feet. She poured liquid on his cock and he damn near flew through the roof. Not because of the cool shock but because of her intentions.
Lord have mercy.
Bronto remained propped on his elbows. No way was he going to miss this show. She didn’t touch his cock or his balls with her fingers before she zeroed in on it and licked it from the base to the tip. He sucked in more air. And when she completely took the head into her mouth his ass jerked off the ground.
“Jesus, Ivy,” he growled.
He’d obviously inspired her to continue because she took as much as she could, sucking gently as it slid to her throat. The warmth and softness and moisture was nearly his undoing and he prayed she’d do something wrong to lower his level of excitement. Something had to or it was going to be a quick break and long afternoon. But it appeared everything she was doing, from sliding her fist up and down to running her tongue along the underside, she was doing right. The only thing capable of preventing him from coming and prolonging his stamina was if she’d stop.
This could be a record breaker for him but not in a good way. The prickles in his balls reproduced faster than he could handle. They sizzled and throbbed, and holy shit… “Ivy!”
She freed his cock. “What?” she asked, crawling up his body.
“A man can only handle so much.”
She sat on his erection and rubbed her ass forward and back.
“Love, you’re taking the same road. Slow down.”
“Shhh,” she said, laying two fingers over his mouth. Using her free hand, she came up on her knees and guided his cock into her *.
She was so wet it slid in with ease. Just as easily his endurance slipped. He narrowed his lids and groaned. Damn, her insides were hot and plump and tight. He couldn’t withstand the constriction.
As she started moving up and down he refrained from moving at all, otherwise the hours he spent wanting and waiting would end too soon. It was like prepping a festive dinner all day only to consume it in minutes. Done. Gone. Over with. He needed more time to savor the ache he’d endured, proving it wasn’t in vain.