Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)(27)
He pulled her close and tucked her under his arm. “We’ll hide out in my hut until Rocko is through with Grunt, then it’ll be time to chop down more trees.”
“Can I help this time?”
Bronto gave her a squeeze. “Most definitely. Know how to use an ax?”
“No. Momma said it’s a man’s chore because it builds muscle, so I’ve never tried.”
“Is that right?”
He smiled to himself. “Where I come from women and men are equal.”
“I wouldn’t mind doing a man’s job but Momma wouldn’t like that.” Ivy rested her head on his chest. “She also said, regardless how strenuous men’s work is, they lack the power of women.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because women give birth and it requires the greatest strength of all.”
“Your mom sounds like a wise woman.”
Ivy sighed. “She is about most things,” she said, her voice teetering on the edge of bitterness. “I just wish she would’ve stood up to my father more often. Like when he chased Wisty off.”
Bronto rubbed her arm. “Some things happen for a reason, love. If he hadn’t, she’d be united with Sledge and you wouldn’t be here.”
“I guess you’re right.”
No, he was one hundred percent without a doubt right. He’d be hunting aliens right now rather than waiting for them to come to him if it wasn’t for her father. As well as preparing to pack his bags for the long shuttle back to Earth. “Would you like to take something to eat or drink back to the hut?”
“Maybe some water.”
“Then go on ahead,” he said, stepping to the side. “I’ll meet you there.”
He waited until she reached his hut and entered. While he trotted toward the wooden beverage canisters that sat on the table he spotted Grunt lying in a bloody heap near the forest wall. Rocko sat beside Jade at the fire, holding a cup to her lips while she drank. Her eyes were red and swollen and her cheeks tear-stained.
Bronto’s throat thickened. If she’d been raped at home she’d be lying on a hospital bed with doctors and a rape kit by her side and Grunt would be apprehended by the police, awaiting charges.
Yeah, Rocko got it right by serving justice right here in their own backyard. No questions asked. As it should be.
Bronto filled a cup with pink-tinted liquid from the first canister. Raspberry water perhaps? Jade and Pearl were endlessly experimenting with food and drink. A man never knew what kind of a surprise he’d encounter when reaching into a pot. The women worked hard to keep meals available around the clock. Working night-guard increased a man’s appetite. Not so much from hunger but from boredom to stay awake.
He lifted the cup at Rocko and Jade as he strolled by. Even though the ass whooping had ended and things settled down, he wanted to relax for a while before reinforcing the huts. Prior to Ivy, he worked from sunrise to sundown. He wasn’t going to feel guilty for stealing a little time now.
He pushed the flap aside, stepped in and placed the rifle inside the crate. Ivy sat down near the fire and reached for him. He’d like to believe it was him she wanted and not the water. To test her he offered the cup.
She took it and at the same time reached upward with her opposite hand. He locked his fingers around hers and while he sat down she shifted sideways and set the cup near the stone fire-pit enclosure.
“Here,” she said, patting the portion of her frock that was draped between her legs. “Lie down on my lap.”
What did his frisky little woman have on her mind? The same thing that’d driven him crazy most of the morning? He grinned. Without questioning why, he lay down, resting his shoulders over her crossed ankles, and situated his head at the dead center of her thighs. The frock supported his skull but being so close to her female region, he failed to relax.
She was just as beautiful from the upside-down view as she was face-to-face. He studied the perfect angle of her chin and the curve of her throat. Damn, he couldn’t even admire her without his cock reacting. He didn’t need to touch her to become aroused. Hell, he’d been in that state most of the morning. Most my ass. It was all morning. Even after he’d pounded Grunt’s head into the ground he wanted her. More than anything. Jealousy might have played a huge part. Although Grunt hadn’t touched her intimately, he’d touched her nonetheless. It was enough to awaken Bronto’s green-eyed monster and summon his rage simultaneously. The action had put Grunt in double jeopardy and initiated a train of morning-long ass-beatings.
“Close your eyes, Bronto.”
The softness of her voice filled his ears like a song. As he closed his lids he reached upward, slid his hand beneath her hair and rested his fingers on her neck. He couldn’t distinguish the better sensation—her smooth skin beneath his palm or the gentle massage she started on his temples.
How nice it felt lying at her disposal to do with as she pleased. It was the first time he’d been in this position and the inability to see enhanced the awareness of her touch. It wouldn’t take much to spoil him from such attention.
His senses heightened when she paused and reached over him. A moment later she swallowed. When a cool droplet splattered his forehead he flinched and opened his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she set the cup down.