Breakaway (Beyond the Play, #2)(36)

“You’re not the only one with a hardass dad.” He gathers his things. “I’m not going to stop fighting for this. It’s my year. I’m the senior center. You’re just a junior defenseman who makes a fist whenever you hear something you don’t like.”

“Seriously, Finau?”

He leans in close enough I want to flinch, but I hold my ground. “Tell Coach you’re backing off,” he says, his voice deceptively quiet.

“Oh, there you are,” Evan says from the doorway. “Come on, Coop, we need to get started. How’s it going, Fins?”

“Fine,” he says, still looking at me. I just glare back, because there’s no way in hell that I’m doing that for him in the name of fairness or whatever the fuck he thinks it is, and after a moment, he stalks off.

Evan watches him leave the gym before turning back to me. “Still annoyed about the captain thing?”

“Nothing’s even been decided yet.” I grab my water bottle and take a long gulp. “He’s just being a massive douchecanoe.”

“He can tell that Ryder is close to deciding.”

I grab my bag and follow him to the doors. “Maybe. Or maybe he’ll just tell both of us to fuck off.”

Evan is a great friend for lots of reasons, but at the very top is his ability to switch topics tactfully when it seems like the conversation is about to veer into the pits. He claps my shoulder. “Want to come to my place later? We can get takeout from that Thai restaurant on Westbrook; Remmy’s been wanting to challenge Hunter to a new mission in Call of Duty.”

Hunter is one of Seb’s teammates, and thanks to the two of us, the hockey and baseball teams have become tight. Last year, we were friendly with the football guys, thanks to James, but not so much this year. I should work on homework before tomorrow, since I doubt much will get done when I’m with Penny, best intentions aside, but the thought of an evening spent unwinding with my crew sounds too good to pass up. Milton, or Call of Duty? While my teammates are getting some shuteye on the drive to New Hampshire, I’ll be puzzling over passages of Areopagitica, but it’ll be worth it.

“Hell yes, let’s do it.”



October 5th

Would you rather live in the Star Trek world or the Star Wars world?


Good morning to you too, Red

Idk I was just thinking about it last night

Take a guess

Star Trek?

Nope. I’m more of a fantasy guy

But they’re basically the same thing




Star Trek is science fiction. Star Wars is space opera. Totally different

Well, I choose Star Wars because I wish I could hug Chewie

And make out with Han Solo

You’d look good with Leia braids

My Halloween costume?

October 6th


Wait, so you’ve written a whole book?

Not quite

More like half. But I’ve written shorter things before, like fanfiction

That’s seriously cool, Red

Yeah, well, it’ll be cool if I ever finish

That’s what she said



What’s it about?

You’re going to laugh

I’m really not



Yay <3

But I’m going to wrangle it out of you eventually

You babble post O

I do NOT

October 7th



Ugh, fine

Pretend all you want, but you were about to ask. I can sense it

…I may or may not be on the bus into town

Ha, knew it

You have New Hampshire this weekend, I was being proactive

October 10th

I have a question



Our ?! is exclusive, right?

I realized I assumed

It’s okay if not

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