Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(70)

His angry eyes looked up at me, “You should stay away from him, Em. He’s insane.”

“Only to *s, Micah,” Quinn said from beside me, glaring at him.

“I didn’t say anything I wouldn’t say any other day!” He lifted his hands in frustration.

Garrett and a few of the other Frat guys slid down the bench toward us. “You know what you said, f*cker, just drop it.” He eyed Micah.

I looked down at my food for the next couple of minutes and picked at the turkey and ham sandwich. Micah may have been a jerk for what he said, but at the end of the day, he was right. I had allowed all of the guys to openly joke about our times together; hell, I was usually the one making the jokes. They didn’t know any better. I wanted to believe that Micah wouldn’t have said something like that if he had known I was with Jaxon now.

“I’m sorry, Micah, that was my fault. You didn’t know.”

His hard eyes shot to mine. “Didn’t know what, Em?” he angrily responded. He knew and he was trying to get me to say it out loud, but the coward inside of me couldn’t even do that.

“You just didn’t know,” I sighed.

Everyone had finished their lunch and vacated the building about fifteen minutes later. Quinn sat faithfully next to me the whole time, offering her silent support.

“I don’t think I can do this, Quinny.”

“You can and you will.” She looked at me with a serious expression.

“Quinn, you can’t force me to be in a relationship,” I spoke through a laugh.

“I can and I will.”

“Cute…” I replied drily.

“Em, I’ve never seen any of those guys look at you the way he does. I’ve never seen you look at any of those guys at all, really. You look at Jaxon though, and you let him in. Don’t quit now.”

I sighed in defeat. She was right. The fact was that, I didn’t want to let Jaxon go or even be away from him, period.

“Jaxon’s never going to be okay with the fact that I’ve slept with practically everyone.” I said.

“He’ll have to learn, won’t he? Besides, you haven’t slept with EVERYONE. Youhaven’t slept with Jace or Cole,” she winked at me. “Let’s keep it that way, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I leaned my head on her shoulder. Quinn was good for my spirit. She knew what I was thinking before I even had to say it, and she knew how to ground me when I was becoming a flight risk.

We walked out to the parking lot to get in our car when we noticed Jace and Cole standing around the truck talking. There was no Jaxon in sight.

“Where is he?” I asked them, anxiously.

“He hopped on the bike and left as soon as we got out here,” Jace said with a shrug, but I could tell he was worried about his brother.

“Do you think that was the smartest thing to let him do when he’s pissed?”

“I think he’s just pissed at himself,” Cole said.

“At himself, why? I figured he was mad at me.” I was shocked.

“He thinks he scared you,” Jace said looking a bit forlorn.

“The only thing I’m scared of is him out there riding that thing while he’s got so much running through his head.” I pulled my cell out of my pocket and brought up his name in my contacts.

Me: Come back, please?

Jace pulled down the tailgate and we sat on top of it next to each other. Cole pulled Quinn into the bed of the truck and tucked her into his lap. I heard him whispering into her ear, but I didn’t know what he was saying. I sat there swinging my legs back and forth, hoping that Jaxon was okay and that he would come back by here soon.

Kimberly Lauren's Books