Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(54)

“Okay, first of all Quinn, you were supposed to enjoy this week of having the apartment all alone with Cole!” I hollered at her. “I don’t care what kind of drama Jaxon has; you need to make up with Cole.”

I jumped off the bed and shouted for Cole down the hallway. I heard Quinn groan from behind me, but knew this was for the better. Cole made his way down and into my room; he looked really overwhelmed. Quinn had not gone easy on him.

Jace poked his head in, “Mind if I join, or am I interrupting something private?”

“Get over here, gorgeous.” I patted the spot next to me on the bed and he hopped on right beside me. I appreciated when he slid his shoes off so they weren’t on my white comforter.

Cole stood leaning against the doorframe. “Ems, I’ve already said this to Quinn a thousand times. It’s not my place to tell you all of Jaxon’s business, and I have no idea why she’s here now.”

“Let’s get this straight. I may have had a different assumption of what would happen when I came back here and could finally talk to Jaxon. But, right now, I just can’t worry over any of that. You and Quinn are being silly. Quinn, don’t get upset over what’s going on with Jaxon and respect that Cole’s not going to gossip,” I begged her.

“Fine…” she said quietly.

Cole beamed like I had just lifted a huge weight from his shoulders. He came over to Quinn and picked her up to place her in his lap in the chair. I fell backward onto my bed and sighed. Jace scooted back, lying down on his side and looking over at me with his hand propping his head up.

Cole had started roaming Quinn’s body with his hands. Clearly, he hadn’t gotten much this week with a stressed-out Quinn. I snapped my fingers to get them to stop.

“No way, that’s not happening right in front of me.” I pointed to my door.

“Sorry, Emmy, we’ll talk more later,” she smiled at me and I nodded.

“I freaking love you, Ems! I knew I should have gone and brought you back,” Cole said, walking out the door with Quinn in tow.

“Hey! Shouldn’t you be saying that to your girlfriend instead of my best friend?” she fake pouted. He continued to push her out the door and we heard him sweet talking her all the way into her room.

“Oh God, did you have to listen to that all week?” I looked over at Jace, giving him my best sympathetic look.

“No, it was worse. I had to listen to them fight and get all sexually frustrated with each other. It was better than hanging out next door though,” he groaned.

I didn’t know how to respond to that last part. What was going on next door? Have those two been alone in that apartment all week? If this was someone from Jaxon’s past and he was letting her stay with him all week, I couldn’t compete with a past love.

The way Jace was lounging on my bed, I could see down his shirt through the open collar. I noticed familiar black intricate lines touching his collarbone. I slipped my finger onto the collar of his shirt and tugged it across his shoulder.

“You have the same tattoo as Jaxon? Is that a requirement, if one twin gets a tattoo the other must as well, so they can remain identical?” I asked, shocked.

He laughed at my stunned face, “No, I don’t think it’s a requirement. We just got them together after our dad died. If you look closely, they aren’t the exact same, but from afar, they appear that way.”

“I had no idea that your dad passed away.” This was difficult territory for me.

“I suppose you didn’t. Jaxon never talks about it.”

Kimberly Lauren's Books