Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(47)

Cole came over and wrapped me in a bear hug. “Quinn’s not just a fling for me; I’m in it for the long run with her. Which means we have a million more nights. Right now, we need to make sure our best friend, who is drunk off her ass, is safe.”

Quinn grabbed my hand and pulled me into Cole’s large king-size bed. She pushed me down and lay next to me. Cole came in and lay down next to Quinn. I remember mumbling a ‘thank you’ to my best friends before passing out.

I don’t know how long I was sleeping before I was being jostled awake by warm hands and angry whispers.

“Dude, leave her here, and go back to bed. You can talk to her tomorrow. It was a rough night for her.”

“I know. Jace told me and that’s exactly why I’m taking her back to my room.”

“Jax, I’m being completely serious, don’t f*ck with her.”

“I need her next to me right now.”

“She’s going to be so pissed.”

“She’ll forgive me.”

“She’s so drunk; please just make sure and watch her.”

I was being lifted up off the bed into a warm, bare chest. I snuggled in closer, smelling my favorite scent. I locked my hands around his neck and sighed. Shortly after I had been picked up, I felt a soft mattress underneath me again. Strong hands came up from behind me and pulled me back into a hard body. A comforter was pulled up and over me.

“I’m so sorry, Beautiful,” the angel voice whispered before I passed out again in an alcohol-induced haze.

Chapter Eight

Running Home

When I woke up the next morning, my face was smashed up against hot skin and my body was overheating. I started feeling around and realized Jaxon’s solid body lying curled around me, with my face in his chest. He had his chin resting on the top of my head and one leg draped over my hip. His slow breaths coming in and out were blowing wisps of my hair back and forth. When I fell asleep last night, I’m pretty sure I was in Cole’s bed with him and Quinn. I started remembering the angry whispered conversation and Jaxon picking me up and bringing me in his bed.

Last night wasn’t a good night for me. I was a bitch to him because he made people think that we were together. I hurt him and he left with Rachel. I drank way too much beer and tequila. Thank God, I wasn’t the type to ever get drunk enough to throw up, because if I had, it would have been an even worse story. I remember babbling to Jace about his brother. I’m pretty sure I cried in front of him. Then it hit me, Jaxon left to go be with Rachel last night and when he finally came back, he pulled me into bed with him? That was wrong on so many levels. I’m Queen of sleeping around, but I would never sleep with one guy and go get in bed with another on the same night. That was tacky. I needed to get away from him. I was too close to his delicious-smelling skin, but I know that Rachel was all over him last night. Who could blame her?

I slowly lifted his arm off of me, moved it down to his side and then, gradually rolled over to the edge of the bed. I felt Jaxon reach out for me in his sleep, so I darted away from his searching hand. He mumbled something about “beautiful” and rolled onto his stomach. Thank goodness, he was a heavy sleeper. I didn’t want to have the conversation I’m sure he was anticipating we would have this morning. I only had Cole’s t-shirt and a pair of panties on, and I’m thankful for Cole’s height because this shirt went all the way past my knees.

When I stepped out into the hallway, I grimaced because I could hear Quinn and Cole making up for lost time last night. I was happy for my best friends, but I absolutely did NOT want to hear this. I hurried to the bathroom and when I finished, I washed my hands and used the mouthwash that was on the counter. It didn’t help. I needed to get down to my apartment to brush out the aftertaste of tequila, beer, and sleep. I walked past the kitchen heading for the front door when I noticed the clock in the living room said it was only seven in the morning.

Kimberly Lauren's Books