Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(17)

“My life just got a little more amazing here, Coley. Quinn, a little heads up next time would be awesome. You know just a little text message saying, ‘Oh, by the way, when you get home, there will be two way too hot for human kind identical freaking twins, living right next door.’ Something like that, no big deal,” I scolded her while my finger was pointing to my phone.

Quinn had a huge grin on her face. “I would not have missed this reaction for the world. I mean, what a way to introduce yourself to Jace.”

“Trust me; my introduction was a thousand times better,” Jaxon said to her with a smirk on his face.

Quinn was about to ask what he was talking about when I slapped the lights back off and went to sit between Jaxon and Cole. Quinn laid her head back down on Cole’s lap, but I knew she would ask later. I left a gap between both guys on each side of me. “Em, you’re more than welcome to come back down here with me. I thought we were getting pretty cozy,” Jace loudly whispered over to me.

I started laughing but Jaxon answered for me, “She’s good right where she is, dude.”

Once everyone settled down and got back into the movie again, I rested my head on the cushion behind me. I felt an arm come around my shoulders and pull me into a hard chest.

“You smell like an ashtray and beer,” Jaxon whispered into my ear.

“That happens when you work in a pool hall as a bartender, sorry,” I murmured against his chest.

Unlike me, he smelled delicious, freshly showered and manly. I tried silently to inhale, but the way his hand slightly tightened on my shoulders, I think he knew what I was doing. My head slowly drifted down to his lap as the movie went on. I don’t even know what we were watching. When my head hit his legs, he started running his hands through my hair. He grabbed my ponytail holder and gently tugged it out, without pulling any hair. When my hair had been released, his fingers began massaging my scalp. I faded to sleep with his fingers moving around my head.

Chapter Four

First and Flirts

The alarm on my phone started going off the next morning and without opening my eyes, I blindly grabbed for it from my nightstand. I realized I was in my own bed when I felt the glass top of the table, but I don’t remember getting up and coming back to our apartment last night. The last thing I can remember was Jaxon’s amazing hands on my head. Rubbing those hypnotizing circles. If I could just get him to do that every night, I would never have any sleepless nights again.

I jumped into a quick, hot shower because I had class in two hours. As I was washing up, I noticed a black stain dripping from my hand. I brought it up out of the water before it all washed away.

You’re beautiful even when you snore.

I knew this handwriting; I’d seen this handwriting in notes every day. Jaxon had written on my hand last night when I fell asleep. Now I remember dozing off in his lap last night. Oh God, he’d heard me snore? I’m pretty sure I didn’t snore, usually people tell you this kind of thing when you sleep with them. I stared at the beautiful handwriting a little bit longer before I let it wash down the drain from my skin.

When I finished running a straightener through my hair to control some of the frizz, I walked down to the kitchen to see Quinn with her wild bed head. No matter how crazy her hair was now, she would soon have her shiny brown locks perfectly sleek and stylish before she stepped out of the apartment. She was setting up the coffee maker for both of us. I started to get out the pans to make breakfast.

“Man, Quinn, I was wiped last night. I don’t even remember walking back down here to go to bed. Thanks for setting my alarm by the way,” I told her.

Kimberly Lauren's Books