Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(16)

“I’m majoring in Humanitarian Journalism, so mine is abroad this summer.”

“No shit? Aren’t they going to like Prague, Salzburg, or some other amazing European city?”

“Nothing so glamorous. We’re going to Africa.” I was still really nervous, but I knew it would be a great opportunity.

His mouth gaped open. “Africa? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“I think that’s kind of the point. Going out there and getting the story that needs to be told, about the people that have been forgotten.”

He blew out a long breath. “Wow, you’re amazing.”

Uncomfortable with his compliment, I replied, “No I’m not, I haven’t even done anything.”

“You will. You’re going to do great things. One day, we’ll hear all about the great Emerson Moore: Humanitarian Journalist.”


When I came back from work one night, I sat down on the couch and realized Quinn wasn’t home. She usually shouts for me when she hears me walk in. Right as I was pulling out my phone to text her, she sent me one.

Quinn: I’m down at the guys’ place. Come down when you get here, we’re watching movies.

I was exhausted; all I wanted was a shower and my bed. But, I thought I should at least go down and say hi to everyone. I slipped off my shoes and walked down the hall barefoot.

When I walked into their place, I saw them all sitting in the pitch dark watching a movie, but I could barely see all their faces. Cole had bought this huge sectional couch that could easily fit ten people. “Hey, Emmy,” Quinn and Cole said at the same time. I turned to where I heard their voices and noticed Quinn was lying with her head on Cole’s lap. I walked over to her and gave her a half hug since I couldn’t get my arms all the way around her while she was lying down. Jaxon was sitting down past Quinn’s feet. I figured if we were cuddling up on the couch together, the person I wanted to sit next to was his hunky body.

I sat down next to him and leaned into him to lay my head on his shoulder. “Hey, handsome, long time, no see. Thanks again for helping me with those notes. Oh, and the rides home as well.” I patted his rock hard stomach and took an extra second before lifting it off of him.

“Well, hello to you too gorgeous. I would love to see you anytime, but trust me, I think I would remember if I gave you a ride and that is something I don’t remember doing.” His tone was slightly off and extremely flirtatious. I sat up, giving him a puzzled look. What was he talking about?

As I was staring into his gorgeous blue eyes, I heard someone clear their throat from the other side of the couch, “I think you were looking for me?” There’s that voice I wish I could cuddle inside of and hear all day. I turned around and looked right at Jaxon with the blue glow of the movie on his face.

I jumped up and ran across the room to flip the light switch on. When I turned around my mouth hit the floor. It wasn’t my most attractive moment. Twins. Identical Twins. Identical freaking hot-as-hell Twins. Oh, I would kill Cole later for not telling me about this. “What? How? Why didn’t you tell me there was a smoking hot carbon copy of you? How have I been right down the hall and never known there were two of you?” I hollered at Jaxon while looking back and forth to Jace. Jace sat there with a smug smile on his face, looking pretty pleased with himself. It was crazy how much they looked alike. Jace even had that imperfection I loved on Jaxon; the slightly turned in front tooth. The only difference I could notice so far was that Jace didn’t get the sex god voice like Jaxon was blessed with.

Everyone was covering their eyes with their hands and trying to adjust to my assault of sudden brightness. “Emmy, so what if they’re twins, it’s not a big deal. Turn the lights off, we were watching a movie,” Cole said impatiently, and I noticed Quinn had sat up straight.

Kimberly Lauren's Books