Bait: The Wake Series, Book One(82)

“How do you feel this good?”

At first I assumed I'd only thought the words. It wasn't until he replied, “I have motivation. That's how,” did I even know that I wasn't mute after all.

“Motivation?” I panted. He deepened the pressure upon every push inside my body. His hips ground, swirled, and then struck again. It drove me mad.

Then something changed in his eyes. It was like his lustful bones and muscles and tempered skin were in the driver's seat, but his head chose to take the bus.

Our eyes met and did the speaking for us. They said everything our mouths wouldn't.

He looked exquisite and torn.

“What are you thinking about?” I whispered, like it was a secret and I didn't want anyone else to hear.

“I'm thinking about how every second that I'm not buried inside you, I think about this. And then I think, here I am, and it's still not enough.”

He bent forward and paired our lips, my legs falling to the sides of him. His hands swept under my head as he kissed me.

Our faces contorted. Not the erotic faces you'd want to see. But they were honest and didn't hide how they felt. I wished I were more like my orgasm face. It was the most honest of all my faces. Only with Casey though. Only with him.

We climaxed like that. Our releases finally caught up with us and rushed into our bodies as if it was but one crest and we shared it. My brow furrowed and my mouth fell open.

No sounds left our mouths.

No breaths took leave of our chests.

Everything stopped except a handful of pulsing muscles that met at the center of us.

It was neon darkness at zero decibels. Everything, and also just this one tiny, precious thing at the same time.

When both of our bodies gave up and the throb between us subsided, he inched his way up onto the bed and dragged me up with him. Then he collapsed on top of my chest.

I lay there and ran my fingers through his hair. It was sweaty in the back and it felt cool against my hot fingertips. As I breathed, a hum began in my throat that I neither agreed to nor protested.

It was the most peaceful moment.

He looked up at me and said, “I really want that cheesecake.” He then took my relaxing nipple into his mouth, re-energizing the sensitive tip, and it tightened again with his new attention.

I didn't know where it came from, surely my actual self would have went for the cheesecake, but at the moment I wanted to indulge myself with him. He was my guilty pleasure. Cheesecake wasn't even on my radar.

I convinced him to take a shower with me. By convince, I mean, I got up walked into the bathroom and hooked my finger at him saying, “We need to wash up before we eat.”

While I washed my hair, he kissed my neck.

I looked for the evidence of his broken collarbone, and found a small knot still present where I'd seen it before. I washed his back with my bare hands. It was the cleanest back in history.

I couldn't stop touching him.

He washed between my legs and said, “God, I want to feel you bare. I don't want anything in between us.” His unfiltered words again took me by surprise, but when he put it like that, I had to agree. In our situation, we could have tolerated a few less obstacles.

We christened the shower in the Hotel Max with as much enthusiasm as we had the bed minutes earlier.

“So, how about this Quadruple Chocolate cheesecake?” Casey asked.

I'd forgotten about the cheesecake.

“You deserve both pieces,” I said with gratitude. “But I'll give you the bigger one instead.”

We ate it on the bed wearing over-sized bath towels and watched Food Network. He told me about his sisters and the meetings he lined up for that Monday and Tuesday. He said he hadn't even rented a room yet and I told him that was good because he could have that one.

He still had a hang-up about sleeping together.

He walked me down to the front drive of the hotel when my cab came.

I told him we were even for the room because of the cheesecake and he laughed as he kissed me into the taxi.

I spent the next day picking out plumbing fixtures with my mother as Grant tore the bathroom in the new house a part. Casey and I text back and forth all day. He told me that he actually went back to The Confectional and got more mini-cakes and that I was right about how good they were.

When my mother remarked on how much I was texting Grant and that he probably wasn't getting much done, I just laughed. An omission I supposed. When we got back to the house and after we measured a few windows for blinds, Grant called out to me and asked to grab his phone from the car. My mom didn't say anything, but I saw an expression cross her face that I didn't recognize before, then she went back to what she was doing.

M. Mabie's Books