Bait: The Wake Series, Book One(72)

We playfully flirted, which was fast becoming our native tongue. The bar was filling up as trade show attendees came down to unwind after a long day.

Casey and I consumed three drinks while we waited for Troy and Melanie and I secretly couldn't wait to get him back out on a dance floor. If I had my way, he'd be staying in my room that night, even if I had to tie him to the bed.

My phone rang. It was Grant. I saw Casey's face as he read the name that appeared on the screen. I looked to him. For approval? For assurance? For sympathy? I wasn't sure.

“Well, are you going to answer it? Better now than later,” he said and flagged down the bartender. I slid the answer bar and accepted the call coming from my fiancé.

“Just a second, Grant. It's loud in here. I'm going to walk out into the lobby.” I stood on shaky legs as I walked out into the open area, through the chatter of the lounge, and past Troy and Melanie. “I'll be right back,” I quickly said to them as I passed.

“Hi there,” I said to Grant, letting him know I could hear him, and I was far enough away from Casey's ears. I realized in that second that I walked away on Casey's behalf rather than mine. I had heard, loud and clear, what he said to me the previous night, about how it made him feel, and I didn't like the thought of making him uncomfortable. That was why I left.

All the while, I should have left out of fear or paranoia for Grant to hear him. Even though I thought about it, I didn't feel it.

“Hi. How's the trip?” Grants voice was bright and cheerful. It was quiet aside from him speaking, so I assumed he was at home.

“It's going really great actually. We got a few leads and made some really nice contacts. Melanie and I are about to go out dancing.”

Half-truths. I could officially add those to my resume.

“That sounds fun. Take a cab. Don't walk.” Concern coated his words.

“We will.”

“And don't drink too much. It makes me nervous.”

“I won't. Hey, what are you doing tonight anyway?” Better to change the subject than to let him dwell on me gallivanting around a city I wasn't all that familiar with.

“Just some paperwork. I'm at the office.” When he should have been out having a good time with some friends, or even doing something at the house, there he was at his office doing paperwork. It bothered me, but mostly it made me feel bad for him. He was such a hard worker and played by every rule.

Yet, here I was, his fiancée, about to go out on the town with a man who, only minutes before, I'd fantasized about stripping naked and tying to my hotel bed.

Grant wouldn't ever do this to me. Never mind why I was doing it. I didn't even know all the reasons. How I could do this to him was the question rolling through my mind. If only I could work out exactly which he was fairing.

“You should call it a night. Go get a beer. What time is it there?” I looked at the time on my phone and did my fast zone calculations that I was so good at. “It's only almost five. Call Shane. I'm sure he'd like to get out of the house.”

“I might.” I looked through the glass wall into the bar and saw Casey staring at me, nodding his head at something Troy was telling him. He motioned a two to the bartender and then they all tipped back brown shots. Except for Casey, he did doubles back to back.

“Grant, is it okay if I call you in the morning? Melanie is waiting on me.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Have fun. Be careful. I love you.”

Before I could say it back, I turned my body away from two prying eyes and replied, “I love you, too. See you tomorrow.” I disconnected the call and headed for the ladies room. I needed a minute.

If flying from one part of the world to another, across time zones and datelines, gave one jet-lag, then what was it called when one’s heart traveled from one man to another and then back in mere minutes?

I'd love to know.

We went to a club named Taboo. Melanie had been there before. It was a little comforting having at least one person who knew their way around. If the name had anything to do with the atmosphere, I had a suspicion I was in for a real experience.

We stood in line outside for a while, but it was a beautiful, albeit humid, October southern night. There was a breeze that washed past every now and then. It was refreshing.

Troy and Melanie hit it off great. Although, I wasn't really getting a flirty kind of vibe from them. It was more of a kindred spirits thing.

M. Mabie's Books