Bait: The Wake Series, Book One(143)
But most of all, you precious man, I wish you knew that I’m here, wishing for you.
Your honeybee,
Your Blake,
Yours only, always.
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M. Mabie & N.A. Alcorn
To my readers, my love for you has no boundaries or borders—it goes everywhere.
To the Mo Stash, you girls are the most fun cheerleaders I’ve ever met. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
To the blogs that drop everything for me at the drop of a hat. Bare Naked Words, The Never-ending Book Basket, Back Off My Books, Mixed Emotions Book Blog, Two Unruly Girls with a Romance Book Buzz and so many others that I hate myself for leaving out.
To Wendy and Claire, there are no bigger hearts than yours. Anywhere.
To my beta and proofreaders, Aly, Megan, Elizabeth, Michelle, Wendy, Tara, Jordan, Sandie, Laura, Sandra and Alexis this book is better because of you. Thank you.
To Laurel, your sweet heart and kindness make me want to be a better girl. So, you’re stuck with me. When are you moving?
To Aly, you boss me around and I like it. You’re my backbone. You say no when I want you to say yes. You make me look at things from the best possible angles, twisted as they might be.
To Erin, I can only hope to be as cool you when I grow up. Maybe we’ll set off the airport metal detectors together one day.
To Natalie, I get emotional thinking about how much I love you. That’s not healthy. You’ve been cheering these two characters on for over a year now. Part of my heart belongs to you—it’s the weird part that no one else wants. Never leave me.
To my husband, you let me pass go AND collect $200 by taking the steering wheel of our home while I wrote this book. I love you so much. Forever and ever and probably the time life comes around, too. Kindred spirits we are. I’m chasing my dreams and I learned how from you. Fifty-fife cents, my love.
M. Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband. She loves reading and writing romance. She cares about politics but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. M. Mabie has never been accused of being tight lipped or shy. In fact, if you listen very closely, you can probably hear her flapping her gums.
You’re encouraged to contact M. Mabie about her future works, as well as this one.