BROKEN AND SCREWED(Broken_Part One)(31)

I shook my head. I could already hear Angie’s protests, but I tuned them out. “He was arrested last night.”
“What?! How? What happened?”
“I don’t know. That’s all I know.”
“Alex,” she pleaded.
“That’s really all I know.”
“Wait, how do you even know that? Cord was going to see some of his old friends. Do you know Jeremy Benson and James Mazel? They graduated two years ahead of us.”
“No, I don’t know them.” But I knew of them. They were the gods of the school before Jesse firmly took that reign over last year. I should’ve remembered they were friends with Cord. But I remembered now they were known to break a law or two.
My heart shuttered. I didn’t want Jesse mixed up with them.
“I have to go, Marissa.”
“What? Wait! What?”
But I hung up over her pleads and turned my car onto the road. My life might’ve been frozen at a standstill over the last year, but I wasn’t going to let Jesse let his go down the drain. He might’ve been an ass at times, but he was a gifted ass and he was meant for better things than the rest of us. I felt that in my bones.
My palms were sweaty as I drove to Jesse’s house. And I felt ready to vomit at any moment. Everything in me was queasy and quivering. I took a deep breath as I pulled into their driveway.  When I got outside, I smoothed my hands down my clothes. It was then that I cursed at myself. I was still dressed in my pajama pants and sweatshirt.
Good one, Alex.
I made a note to pack an extra bag of clothes for the next time I felt haunted by Ethan’s presence.
And then I knew I had to stop stalling, so I marched up the front steps and rang the doorbell. Like the last time, their housekeeper answered the door, but unlike the last time, she shook her head at me. “Not here, Miss Alex. He not here. He here.” And she shoved a piece of paper in my hand.
I looked down and saw an address scribbled on it. When I looked back up to ask more questions, the door had already been closed.
Well, then.
I retraced my steps and turned my car around. It took me thirty minutes, but I followed the direction from my phone after I searched for the address online. Finally, I pulled up to a large brick home. Every window had light shining from it and I heard male voices and bass music as I got out of my car.
I turned. Marissa was at the end of the driveway. She frowned at me as she pulled at the end of her hair with a hand.
She always did that when she was nervous.
“Hey.” I crossed the street to her. “Whose house is this?”
“Jeremy Benson’s.” Disgust flared over her face. “I can’t believe Cord is friends with him. He’s become a loser. All he does is work at his dad’s company and hang out at The Pub every night.”
“Cord’s in there?”
She sighed and dropped her hand from her hair. “I’m really sorry, Alex. I really am. I was just stupid and insecure. I kept calling Jesse like a stalker. I think a part of me hated the idea that you could get a guy I couldn’t, and I know, I know. That makes me sound like scum. I am scum. I am. I will do anything to make it up to you. I swear!”
She stopped and held her breath.
I didn’t say anything. What could I say to that?
Then her head dropped. “And can you believe the worst part of it? I got his number from your phone.” A pathetic giggle escaped her lips. “He doesn’t even give his number out anymore, but I knew you would have it. That’s how sad I’ve become as a friend.”
I didn’t know if it was the tear she wiped away or the hitch in her voice, but I crumbled. I wasn’t one to hold grudges, but I knew I had let her back in. “Stop blubbering. I got it.”

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