BROKEN AND SCREWED(Broken_Part One)(25)

“Oooh!” Angie squealed. “Are you going to go out with him? You have to. He’s such a nice guy. Come on, Alex!”
“I don’t know.”
“You have to. Trust me, if you don’t he’s going to be scooped up by someone else. Eric is really popular. There are a lot of girls who would kill to be in your shoes. What’s the hang up?”
I hesitated. She wouldn’t like hearing what I had to say.
Then she sighed in disgust and scooted away. “Oh, my god. Really? Do not say Jesse’s name. Please do not say his name.”
I shrugged.
“OH! Alex!” She hit herself in the forehead with her hand. “I can’t believe you. I’m not saying this to be mean, but he’s long gone. He’s at Grant West. He is in a different lifestyle now. He’s hanging out with the Hollywood crowd now. I watch television, too.”
I smoothed out my dress and tried not to squirm under her intense gaze. I didn’t believe for one second that Jesse was hanging out with the Hollywood crowd. I believed that he went as a favor to his dad, but I also believed that he hadn’t gone since. Jesse hated his dad. That wasn’t known by anyone else except my family and his, but Angie said some truth. He was long gone. What made me think he’d come back for me?
So I sighed and I sat there. And I asked myself why I hadn’t jumped at the chance to date Eric Nathan. He was normal. He was here and he thought I was beautiful.
“Heya!” Marissa chirped as she and Cord took their seats across from us at the table. Ben dropped in his and grabbed some napkins to wipe his forehead. His panting had turned into wheezing. “Where’s Eric?’
Cord tapped her shoulder and pointed across the gym.
“Why is he talking to Casey Wright?”
Angie tapped my leg. “See.”
“See what?” Marissa looked between us. Her eyes were lit with anticipation. “What see? Fill me in.”
I was about to tell her that it was nothing, but Angie rushed out, “Nathan asked her out.”
Marissa gasped. She clapped her hands to her cheeks and squealed in her seat. “Oh, my god. That’s so exciting. Alex, say something. Aren’t you happy about that?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess.”
“You’re not excited about that?” She watched me closely and frowned. “Are you waiting for…?”
I saw that she was hesitant to say his name so I rushed forward with my own question. “Have you talked to him recently?”
She froze.
“What are you girls talking about?” Cord frowned. He had lounged back with his arm thrown over Marissa’s chair. He pulled his tuxedo collar out now and exchanged a look with Ben.
“Nothing,” Marissa said quickly.
Angie frowned at her.
“So have you talked to him recently?”
“Why would she have talked to him? He’s your—”
“Yes.” She shoved back her chair and stood up. Her hands held onto the table. “I called him after he left. I have no excuse for that.”
I shoved my chair back as well. My heart was starting to pick up its pace and my cheeks were warm. “What did you promise him? What were you after? Were you going to drive there if he said yes?”
Angie’s eyes had widened and she was white in the face. She stood with us, but held onto her drink with a death grip.
“Alex, I’m sorry—”
“Sorry for what? What’d you do?” I needed her to say it. I needed to hear the words.
“For…” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “For—what do you want me to say?”
“The truth.” It ripped out of me.
She gulped. The blood drained from her face. As she started to sway on her feet, Cord jumped up and caught her elbow. “Hey, whoa. Hey. You okay?” He frowned at us and then shook his head. “I think maybe we should call it a night. There’s stuff going on between you three, but I don’t think it’s worth Marissa getting sick.”

Tijan's Books