At the Crossroads (Buckhorn, Montana #3)(41)
As they crossed a bridge over the cool green of the river, a barn loomed up in the distance and then a large ranch house against a pine-tree-covered mountain as background.
“It’s beautiful,” she said, noticing the small creek that tumbled out of the mountains to join the river.
The dark-haired cowboy who came out of the barn had clearly been expecting them.
Culhane parked and got out to shake the rancher’s hand. Ford pulled his friend into a hug. “Ford, don’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“You know better than that. I’ve got a ranch pickup all gassed up and ready to go. I’ll put the one you’re driving in the barn.”
“I owe you.” His voice broke.
Alexis could see that Culhane wanted to say more. But she suspected he didn’t need to tell Ford that he hadn’t killed anyone. His friend trusted him as well.
She’d gotten out to stretch her legs, but Culhane called her over. “Ford, this is—”
“Alexis Brand,” Ford said, smiling as he drew her into a hug. “I’ve been wondering when I was going to get to see you again. Culhane talks about you all the time.” He grinned at his friend as he gave him a ribbing. She knew Culhane must be squirming in his boots. But she liked hearing that he’d told his good friend about her. “I hear you’re a bounty hunter now.”
“I’m planning on taking Culhane in, once we have proof of his innocence,” she said.
Ford laughed. “I’m betting she can do it, too.” Ford looked to him, eyebrow raised, and laughed. “You picked a good one.”
“It’s a long story, but now we have even more cops after us,” he said.
“Then, you best get going.” Ford tossed him the keys to a nondescript older-model brown pickup. “Good luck.”
“We’re going to need it,” he said. “Thanks again. Hope this won’t get you into hot water with Hitch.”
“I can handle Hitch,” Ford said, jokingly. “She loves me.”
“Who wouldn’t?” Culhane said. “Remember, if things go sideways, I stole the truck.”
AS HE DROVE AWAY, Culhane lost himself in the beauty of the Gallatin Canyon. Some of the trees along the river still had a few golden leaves on them in stark contrast to the dark green of the pines and the snowcapped peaks. He loved fall in Montana, the scents that carried on the cooler breezes, the promise of winter as snow powdered the peaks.
“I like your friend,” Alexis said as he reached Highway 191 and turned toward Bozeman.
“Wait until you meet his wife, Hitch.” He shot her a look. “She’s a lot like you. I think you two will hit it off.” He just hoped they got the chance to meet. He saw her look in her side mirror, saw the worry on her face.
“Once we find Jana, then the sheriff will have to resend the BOLO.”
When he said nothing, she looked over at him in surprise. “You can’t think that he would leave it on you. I know Garwood can be vindictive, but you can’t believe...” Alexis said as he drove down the canyon headed north.
“That this is about my wrongful-discharge lawsuit? That he’ll do anything to stop me, including using Jana to do it? Alexis, I’m being framed for murder. It’s no coincidence that Jana called me, knowing I would come to her if I really thought she was in trouble.”
“Maybe she was. Maybe she was killed right before you got there.”
He shook his head. “I saw Bobby leaving. I don’t believe he killed her. There wasn’t enough time for him to get rid of the body from when I called her. She’s still alive.”
“So Jana set it all up to make it look like you’d killed her?”
“Not without help,” Culhane said. “The woman is deceitful, but she couldn’t have come up with this plan alone.”
“The sheriff? Or someone else?” she asked. “This is extremely risky for Garwood, and it’s an election year. He’s not stupid.” But the sheriff was worried about what Culhane knew about the way he’d been running his department. She said as much.
“Exactly. I think what I found out is only the tip of the iceberg, and that is why he’s panicking,” Culhane said.
“Let’s say you’re right,” she conceded. “How do we prove it?”
“By finding Jana. If I’d had a chance to talk to the cook in Buckhorn... Or Bobby...” He shook his head. “So far I’m not having much luck. Gene shot Leo before I could talk to him. He also shot Bobby.”
“You’re telling me you think Gene purposely killed them to keep them quiet?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Gene had a temper, and both Leo and Bobby were involved in a violent profession. But it seems as if when I get close, a witness dies.”
“If you’re right, and she’s still alive—”
“She’s a liability to whoever is behind this.”
“So how do we find her?”
Culhane drove in silence for a minute. “I’ve been thinking about that. It’s a long shot, but she might have been so desperate that she’d go to her father. Jack ‘Red’ Redfield owns a bar between here and Butte.”
Alexis seemed to settle in as they turned onto Interstate 90 and headed west.