At the Crossroads (Buckhorn, Montana #3)(40)

“Into the grizzly’s den. Back to the Gallatin Valley. Did you happen to notice the plates on the van? They had the number six, signifying the van was licensed in Gallatin County.”

She turned to him, looking as if their problems were quickly forgotten as she got down to business. “That’s odd since they robbed a bank in Idaho, right?”

So she’d heard the news on the café radio before he’d turned it off. “I suspect Bobby is from there, and he was the getaway driver.”

“His van?”

Culhane shook his head. “Probably stolen.” He felt her gaze on him.

“I’d ask if you have a plan...”

He chuckled. She knew him so well. “Actually, I do. The first thing we need is a different means of transportation since this pickup has been seen now by at least two highway patrols, right? I know where we can get a loaner—at one of the places I used to spend holidays and summers. The Cardwell Ranch in the Gallatin Canyon. I think I introduced you to Ford Cardwell once.”

She nodded. “But is that wise? Wasn’t his uncle a marshal, and isn’t his wife the state medical examiner?”

Culhane nodded. “Don’t worry. He’s a good friend, and I trust him. I can’t say that about a lot of people. His wife Hitch is on a case up north, and his uncle is retired. We’re just popping in and out fast before Dana Cardwell Savage insists we stay for a meal. Which is a shame since she’s a great cook.”

“I love it when you smile like that,” she said, a catch in her throat.

He glanced over at her, seeing that if she hadn’t forgiven him, she would soon. That was another thing about Alexis: she’d enfolded him in that big heart of hers. It was the reason he had to do everything he could to keep the two of them alive—and make it up for hurting her. The last thing he wanted to do was break that heart.

SHERIFF WILLY GARWOOD was just finishing his lunch when he got the call.

“Guess where Culhane turned up?” Deputy Dick Furu said.

He was in no guessing mood, especially when it came to Culhane Travis. He let out a growl in answer.

“Buckhorn, Montana.”

“What the hell was he doing there?”

“Apparently having breakfast in the café there. But those three who robbed the bank in Idaho? They showed up, and there was a shoot-out. Culhane apparently shot one of them and chased after them when they took a local woman as hostage.”

Garwood couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was certainly not what he’d been hoping to hear. “You’re telling me he’s not in custody?”

“Afraid not. He left before the law arrived. Last he was seen, he was chasing after the bank robbers. The local Buckhorn woman who was taken hostage turned up at the hospital in the next town.”

“That sounds like something Culhane would do. So where the hell was law enforcement?”

“Everyone was headed for Buckhorn, I would imagine. But it wasn’t Culhane who dropped off the hostage. It was a woman with short dark curly hair.”

“Alexis Brand,” Garwood said and cursed under this breath. “So the two are together?”

“They weren’t when Tina Mullen was dropped off at the hospital. Hold on, something else is coming through.” Garwood could hear chatter in the background but couldn’t make out the conversation. Furu came back on. “They just found the bank robbers that got away from the café shooting. All three are deceased. No more information than that.”

“Culhane.” Garwood shook his head. That man had been a burr under his saddle from the day Willy took the sheriff job. “Find him. Bring in his girlfriend as well. Clearly she is aiding and abetting.” He hesitated, not sure Furu was in a place where he couldn’t be overhead. “What about that other matter?”

“No luck yet.”

So they hadn’t found Jana Redfield Travis yet, either. And Culhane Travis was still on the loose with the help of his girlfriend.

“You know we have to find her before they do,” the sheriff said of Jana.

“We’re on it.”

He disconnected, his lunch sitting uneasy now in his stomach, making him feel sick. He had a BOLO out on Culhane. Someone was bound to pick him up. Or, with luck, shoot him on sight. But with Alexis Brand tagging along, it would be harder to kill him without killing her, too. But that was an option.

As for Jana, the woman had pulled a fast one on him. For that she would pay. He wanted to take care of her personally.

ALEXIS HADN’T BEEN paying any attention as to where Culhane was driving. Her mind had been on all the revelations he’d dropped on her, along with the horror that had played out earlier and the fact that now they were probably both wanted by the law.

But hearing him talk about his friend Ford and seeing him smile like that, she was looking forward to meeting the man. It reassured her that she hadn’t made a mistake about Culhane. But in spite of his loss, he’d managed to make the best of it by finding good friends. Except for Jana. That experience had left scars. Scars she’d known nothing about until all this had happened.

“So this is Cardwell Ranch?” she said as he turned off the highway. The ranch sat in the picturesque canyon with its dark pines and towering granite cliffs. The Gallatin River carved a winding path through all of it as puffy clouds floated above in a sky of blue. Snowcapped mountains surrounded them, making the whole scene remind her that Christmas was coming. She’d tried to imagine having Christmas on a ranch like this.

B.J. Daniels's Books