A Matter Of Justice (Grey Justice #4)(42)

So why had he purchased the theater? And when had he bought it? She hadn’t seen anything about its renovation online and had, in fact, assumed someone had purchased the property and demolished the building.

She would have to wait until later to get those answers. She was here for one purpose only and might already be too late.

No, she couldn’t let herself think that. Yes, the event was apparently already over. A few people were slowly exiting the building. There were no police vehicles or any appearance of excitement, and she was taking that as a good sign. The assassin hadn’t tried to strike yet.

On the way to the theater, she’d chanced a call to Grey. It had gone straight to voice mail, which didn’t surprise her. Leaving a voice mail had been pointless. He wouldn’t check for messages until this was over. And she didn’t want him distracted anyway. She would have to fix this on her own.

If the assassin hadn’t tried yet, he would likely see this as his best chance to strike. There would be a slight amount of chaos as theatergoers walked out of the theater. People laughing, not paying attention. She had experienced the same kind of training as the killer. They’d had the same teacher.

Oh God, why hadn’t she known? Why hadn’t she seen it?

She shook her head. She couldn’t think about that now. She had to get into the killer’s head. What was he thinking? Why had he waited? Where would he strike?

Wait for the right moment. Patience wins the prize, my dear.

How many times had she heard those words?

She crossed the street. She would mingle with the small crowd standing at the open theater door and then just slip inside, with any luck, unnoticed. She had tied her long hair back, and the black clothing hid that she was soaking wet. Hopefully, she didn’t look too much like a drowned rat. If anyone did spot her, she would be recognized. Kennedy had told her only GJG operatives were attending. No one would think it strange for her to be there. No one would try to stop her. Grey would not have shared their problems with anyone, even his closest advisers.

“Irelyn? Is that you?”

That didn’t take long.

Irelyn turned to Eli Slater, who was standing beside a stunning woman with auburn hair and the most amazing aquamarine eyes. Though she had never met Eli’s wife, she knew Kathleen was a Grey Justice operative. She wasn’t surprised they were both in attendance. Eli might look like a suave businessman, but she knew for a fact that he could handle himself as well as any operative.

“Hello, Eli. It’s good to see you.”

Instead of a warm greeting, Eli said, “Grey didn’t tell me you were coming.”

The words were innocuous, but his tone was guarded. Irelyn ignored the little stab of hurt. At one time, she and Eli had worked well together, but now he was looking at her with a wariness he’d never exhibited before. She knew she had only herself to blame. Her activities these past two years had been beyond questionable. He would know whom she’d aligned herself with, and he would wonder.

“I flew in just today. I didn’t know about this little soirée until Kennedy mentioned it.”

Both were truths, which she had learned was the easiest way to avoid trouble. Lying about the small things could cause major problems with the bigger things later on.

“It’s been a while.”

“Yes. Much too long.” Wanting to get past the awkwardness and suspicion, she turned to Eli’s wife. “You must be Kathleen. It’s lovely to meet you at last.”

Flashing her a beautiful smile, Kathleen didn’t seem to have the same concerns as her husband. “It’s wonderful to meet you, too. I’ve heard so much about you from Kennedy and Lacey.”

“Maybe we can have lunch soon. Get better acquainted.” She glanced around at the small crowd. “I’m looking for Grey. Have you seen him?”

“Do you know the reason behind this event?” Eli’s voice held a tinge of suspicion.

“Yes. And I’m here to help.”

“I believe Grey’s got this covered.”

That was what he thought, but he had no idea there was more to this than met the eye.

“I’m sure he does, but—”

“Irelyn, what the hell are you doing here?”

Bracing herself for his anger, she turned to see Grey standing in the lobby with that look on his face that could melt her like nothing else. Only Grey Justice could do furious and sexy with such elegance.

“I came to help.”

He reached for her hand and pulled her close. “If you’ll excuse us, Irelyn and I need to talk.”

He gave her no time to do more than nod before he pulled her into a small, private corner.

“What are you doing here? You should be in bed.”

“I couldn’t stay there. And don’t get me started on how furious I am with you. Dammit, Justice, you drugged me.”

“I sure as hell did,” he growled, “and I’d do it again if I had to.”

“You had no right.”

Grabbing her shoulders, he shook her gently. “Irelyn, only a few hours ago, you passed out in my arms, and then you threatened to leave. What was I supposed to do?”

“Trust me?”

“Trust you? You’re asking a lot considering what you’ve been doing for the past two years.”

Irelyn closed her eyes in frustration. They’d gotten completely off the topic. “We can talk about that later. I know why you’re here. Kennedy told me what you have planned. I need to tell you—”

Christy Reece's Books