A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(49)

The thought made something dark inside him surface. He shoved it down. He’d get his fucking answer, but now he needed to be inside her.

Her greedy hands swept over his chest, stroking softly until she reached the button of his pants. Though he wanted to let her free his erection, to feel her fingers wrap around his cock, he grasped her by the wrists.

She made a protesting sound as he held her wrists behind her back. He tugged them once, groaned when she arched her back. Her breasts pushed up like an offering.

He dipped his head, zeroing in on one of her breasts. Through the material of her bra, he sucked on her nipple, hard.

“Nathan,” she moaned, her voice a mix of frustration and need. She squirmed against the counter.

Good, he wanted her hot and begging for more.

He gently bit down on her taut nipple, and her legs tightened around him. Wanting nothing between them, he freed her bra, pulled it away from her body. “Hold on to the counter.” Another order, one he was glad she listened to.

There was something insanely hot about caressing her while she wasn’t touching him with her hands.

He continued flicking his tongue over her nipples, alternating between her breasts, only pulling back when her breathing increased too much. She made a whimpering sound as he pulled away again, releasing her hands.

This time she slid her fingers through his hair and held his head tight before tugging him back to look at her. “Stop teasing.”

He was vaguely aware of a timer going off. Shit, the food. But she shook her head. “It automatically shuts off after the timer goes off. Now stop teasing me.”

He cupped her breasts, holding them gently in his hands. Slowly and with his gaze pinned to hers, he began teasing her tight nipples by just grazing his thumbs over them. Stimulating her, but not enough. Her lips parted, her breathing increased, and he could see the tiny pulse point on her neck going crazy.

His dick ached with need, but he held himself back. Barely. Keeping his clothes on was the only way he was holding on to what little restraint he had.

She rolled her hips against him. “Payback will suck,” she rasped out.

His hips jerked again. Taking mercy on her—and himself—he skimmed his hands down her waist, stopping at the button of her jeans. “Lift up.”

She let out a shudder of definite relief as he made quick work of her jeans. The sight of the tiny lacy triangle covering the small thatch of hair on her mound tore another groan from him. “You wear this for me?”

She smoothed her hands over his biceps, squeezed once. “I was hopeful you’d come by.”

In his haste he practically ripped them off, but she didn’t seem to care. Feeling frenzied, he tugged her off the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist, but he tightened his fingers on her hips.

She must have read on his face what he wanted, because she just grinned in that wicked way of hers and let her legs drop. Her feet had barely touched the floor before he turned her around to face away from him, pinned her against the granite countertop. Her dark hair fell over her back in a silky waterfall. “Are we going to christen every room in this house?”

He couldn’t answer. His balls were pulled up too tight as he finished stripping and ripped open a condom. Though he wanted to feel her delicate fingers sliding it on, he rolled it over his erection.

When she wiggled her ass at him, he lightly bit her shoulder. She shuddered, pushing back into him. “Hurry up.”

If he could have forced the muscles to work, he’d have smiled at her impatient tone. Instead he reached between her legs from behind.

She was petite, but the height and angle of the counter worked. She spread her legs for him, giving him complete access to her heat. When he slid a finger along her lips and found her soaked, he nuzzled her shoulder, nipping at her again. She’d always liked when he did that in the past, and it seemed now was no different.

He dipped a finger inside her and savored the way she clenched around him. If he’d had more patience, he’d have teased her longer, but he was barely hanging on. He grasped her hips and thrust deep inside her. She let out a sharp cry as he filled her.

“So tight.” The two words tore from him. He stayed buried deep, his breathing as erratic as his heartbeat. “Cup your breasts, tease yourself.” He needed her to come.

When she did as he said, he slid his hand down her flat stomach and stroked her clit. Once, twice, he continued teasing as she cried out his name. He loved the sound of it, wasn’t sure he’d ever get enough of hearing it.

She shuddered against him, her inner walls tightening faster and faster as he stroked. Finally she dropped her hands to the counter with a slap. Her fingers clenched against the flat surface as if she needed something to hold on to.

He tweaked her clit harder, not surprised as she started climaxing around him. His restraint snapped. Pulling back, he began thrusting inside her, his movements harsher and more unsteady with each pump inside her tight heat. The base of his spine tingled as the need for release grew more intense.

When she reached behind herself and grasped on to his hip with a tight hold, he let go. His thrusts were wild as his climax slammed through him. It felt as if it went on forever, the pleasure careening through him too much and yet not enough.

He buried his face in her neck as he came down from the shot of adrenaline. He wanted to stay like this, inside her, and feel her come around him again. Hearing his name on her lips made him crazy.

Katie Reus's Books