A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(23)

She looked at him in surprise. “How—”

He turned to the side so she could see his small earpiece.

“Other people are listening to this conversation?” Her voice went icy now.

He nodded, hating everything about this situation.

Her jaw clenched once, but she slid off the chair. “I’ll let him in, then.”

He moved quick, sidestepping her so he could check to see that it was Cade. Overprotective? Yeah, he didn’t care. When he saw his teammate through the peephole, he opened the door.

Dressed much the same as Nathan, Cade stepped inside and nodded at Amelia, looking almost apologetic. “I’m sorry we—”

“Can you just tell me what you came here to say?” Her question could have been construed as rude, but Nathan heard the exhaustion in her voice, could see it on her face. This was definitely the Amelia he remembered, getting right to the point.

Cade let out a sigh of relief, clearly glad not to have to make any small talk. “Our team has run multiple diagnostics of Mercado’s personal security. We can’t infiltrate his online system because—why isn’t important. We need someone inside his house and close enough to his computer to clone all his information. We could try breaching the place, but if you get yourself invited there as his date, it will be clean and easy to get all the information we need and you won’t have to do a damn thing.”

Surprise flickered in Amelia’s gaze, but Nathan turned away from her, pinning a glare on Cade. “No fucking way.”

Cade’s expression remained neutral. “Boss said if she’s willing, we’re bringing her in. It’s a onetime thing and she’ll be compensated. And,” he said, turning to her, “you’ll have to sign some nondisclosure papers, regardless.”

Nathan started to protest again, but Amelia spoke first. “You really think he’s behind kidnapping women?”

“It’s a statistically high probability he’s involved in illegal activities,” Cade said. “If not kidnapping women, he’s still a criminal.”

“If he is taking women, why do you think he’s taking them?”

“We don’t know. But they’re young, attractive women who could be viewed by the predators of the world as easy prey. No one has missed them until recently.”

Nathan tried to rein in his temper but was finding it difficult. “Damn it, Cade—”

Cade glanced at Nathan, his eyes hard. He didn’t have to say a damn thing for Nathan to understand what he was silently communicating. If this was anyone else, Nathan wouldn’t balk at bringing her in. Amelia had already proven she wouldn’t blow his cover; she’d gone straight to the cops when she learned about the kidnapped women, and she had the perfect in with Mercado. She could be a good asset.

“What would I have to do?” Amelia asked, interrupting their silent conversation.

Cade focused on her again. “Get inside his house under the pretense of a date. We’ll clone your phone and we’ll be listening the whole time. You won’t need to do anything other than get within fifty feet of his computer. From there our guys will do what they do. If something goes wrong we won’t hang you out to dry. We’ll breach the house in a full assault. . . . You’ll just have to stay alive until we can get to you.” His words were blunt, but true.

She needed to know what she was getting into. It was why Cade was laying everything out for her. Didn’t mean Nathan had to like it.

“You don’t have to do this,” Nathan said. “You’re not trained.”

She glared at him. “I don’t need training to go on a date. And Iker has a reputation for being selective about the women he dates—and for treating them well. I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about him in those regards. Does the FBI have different information?” She looked at Nathan as she asked the question.

Though it pained him to admit it, he shook his head. “No. But if he’s involved in the sex slave trade, who’s to say he wouldn’t hurt you?”

“We’ll be listening the whole time and have a backup team waiting nearby. Only minutes away,” Cade said.

“I’ll be part of that team,” Nathan interjected. He didn’t care what Burkhart or anyone said; if she went inside Mercado’s house, Nathan would be as close as he could get.

“I’ll be compensated?” Now she looked at Cade.


“How well?”

He blinked, as if he hadn’t expected the question. But Nathan had. Amelia had no problem bartering. When they were teenagers she’d dragged him to countless flea markets and thrift stores, always looking for deals. “I’ll have to confirm anything with my boss, but what did you have in mind?”

“After I talk to Detective Sinclair and confirm that you’re both who you say you are, I’ll help you—if you pay off the rest of my loan for Plátanos Maduros.” It was the second restaurant she’d opened up recently, Nathan knew. She owned the building on her first. “And your boss will give a donation to the charity of my choice. Since you clearly have files on me, you should know who I donate to. You’ll double my yearly donation.” Her voice brooked no argument.

Cade looked as stunned as Nathan had ever seen him, but he covered it quickly. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Moving economically, he hurried out her front door.

Katie Reus's Books