Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(72)

“Was Ivan?” The man zeroed in on that word like a hawk.

“I killed him.”

“Good,” Tom spat. “Was on my way to work one day. My car was run off the road, and the vampire snatched me before I even knew what was going on. He brought me here and has been feeding off me ever since. Only, he hasn’t come back since last night, and now I know why.”

“Tom, this is important. Did the vampire mention how he was able to pull off putting another mechanic in his place?”

“Yeah. Asshole bragged about it. Said that Sorcerer of his spelled Grant to think I’d quit and sign off on hiring the Sorcerer in disguise as some guy named Morgan. Grant never knew, according to the vampire.”

Damn. Jarrod was going to feel terrible about this, even though it wasn’t his fault. But they’d deal with that later.

“The important thing is, you’re going to be all right,” Nick told him, giving him a reassuring smile. “We’re going to take you back to the compound where you’re going to be on strict rest for a few days, and that’s an order.”

“My job?” he asked anxiously.

“Is still yours. That wasn’t even a question.”

“Thanks, Nick.”

Tom was fading fast, and needed medical attention. They whisked him back to the compound, and Nick left him in the capable hands of his medical team. Once Tom had been taken away, Tarron turned to Nick.

“I’m going to go. Give my sister my love, and I’ll see you both soon.”

“I will. And thank you, for everything.”

The vampire smiled, showing off a hint of his fangs. “I’d say we helped each other. Besides, there’s no thank-you necessary among family.”

Family. Nick had one now. A real family. His life truly had turned into a walking miracle.

He couldn’t ask for more.

* * *

When Calla awoke, the first gray streaks of dawn were just beginning to spread across the sky, chasing the darkness back to the other side of the world. She knew exactly what had awakened her.

Nick was wrapped around her, but he wasn’t asleep. Not even close. He was nuzzling her neck, one arm draped across her, his fingers tracing the swell of her breasts.

“Baby, are you awake?” he whispered playfully.

“No, I’m not. Go back to sleep.” Of course, he’d do no such thing and she’d have been disappointed if he had.

“You feel so good. Come here,” he growled, rolling her onto her back.

“You’re insatiable.” She smiled up at him.

“Only when it comes to you.”

Nick captured her face with both hands and lowered his lips to hers. God, she couldn’t get enough of him. He was becoming an addiction. The more she tasted him, the more she wanted. He’d loved her for hours the night before, in every conceivable way, but it still wasn’t enough. Moving over her, he covered her body with his, enfolding her in his embrace.

He claimed her once more, this time loving her with great tenderness, as if she were a priceless treasure. In her entire life, she’d never imagined sharing this sort of intimacy in lovemaking. Nick wasn’t like anyone else, ever.

He was the man—wolf—for her.

Moving within her, he stoked the fires until the blaze consumed them both. Their passion erupted with force as they melted together, riding the pulsating waves. At last, he collapsed with a shudder, holding her tightly.

Calla ran her hands over his back, wondering how she’d ever lived without this, without him.

“Where are we going to live?” he asked. “I’ve been meaning to broach the subject, but there hasn’t been time. I’d be glad to travel back and forth between here and the stronghold.”

“But that would make your work harder for you,” she said.

“Some. But what you do with teaching the children is important, too.”

“I love you for that,” she said, stroking him. “But it’s easier for me to travel than you. I say we live here and travel to my brother’s as needed.”

“Are you sure?”


He kissed her soundly. “It’s settled, then.”

He became quiet, and she asked, “Is there something else on your mind?”

“There is.” After a pause, he said, “You know how you said it’s rare for vampire females to give birth?”

“I remember.” She pulled back and looked into his earnest face, already smiling inside and out.

“Well, do you think we could try? If you want to, I mean. I know I already have a daughter, but I missed out on so much of her growing-up years, it aches,” he whispered.

“Oh, honey.”

“Please, consider it? He could be a little vampire, or a wolf. Could he be both? I wonder.”

“Well, I can’t consider it.”

His face fell. “Why not?”

“Because it’s already a done deal, my commander.”

“You mean—?” His face lit with untold joy.

“Yes. We’ll just have to find out what special gifts our baby has when he arrives.”

Laughing, her mate pulled her into his arms and made love to her again. And again.

Life was full, and happy. With Nick.

J.D. Tyler's Books