Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(71)

Kalen nodded. “Makes sense. But does he have the motivation now? Was he that attached to Ivan that he’d seek revenge for his death?”

“I don’t know,” Nick said. “But I do know he’s angry. And that makes him dangerous.”

“True.” Kalen sat back into the pillows, visibly worn-out. Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Sariel strolled in. Kalen smiled at his half brother, obviously pleased to see him. “Well, if it isn’t the hero of the month.”

“I do try.” The Fae fluffed his feathers and grinned.

“On that note, we’ll let you visit with Blue and get some rest.” Nick stood. “I’ll check on you later.”

In the hallway, Calla stood on tiptoe and kissed her mate on the lips. “I think lying down is a great idea. But how about the rest comes . . . after?”

“God, baby,” he groaned, his cock hardening between them. “I like the way you think. Just as soon as I take care of some business, like finding out what happened to Tom, our mechanic.”

Calla sobered and regarded Nick thoughtfully. “He could be anywhere.”

“Anywhere Ivan was,” Nick corrected.

Just then, a thread of an idea came to him. Something about Ivan and Carter’s joint bank accounts—

“They had an address,” he said, straightening.


“Carter and Ivan had an address in Chattanooga listed on their joint bank accounts. What if Ivan held Tom there?”

“It’s a long shot, honey,” she cautioned him. “Isn’t it more likely he killed the poor man and dumped him in the woods somewhere?”

“Maybe. But even though Ivan was consumed by anger and revenge, he still needed to feed.” He shuddered at the thought of the friendly mechanic enduring with Ivan what Nick had at Carter’s hands. “I’ve got to check it out.”

She nodded, taking him into her arms. “I understand. Go. I’ll be waiting when you get back.”

“Thanks, baby. I need to know one way or another what happened to him.”

After giving her a lingering kiss, he left. Quickly, he rounded up a few of the team and explained where they were going and why. The guys were in full agreement—Tom hadn’t vanished into thin air, and if he was out there, they were going to do their damnedest to find him.

Nick considered taking the Huey, but that area of Tennessee was very hilly and forested. It meant hours of travel, and they’d have to set the craft down miles from their destination. Too much wasted time.

In the end, he was forced to call on Tarron for help one more time, but his new brother-in-law was happy to assist. He’d been to Chattanooga before, and a few of his guard accompanied the team and provided transport. Then they made their way across town to the correct address after they’d searched for the location on the Internet.

Once they appeared on the porch of the house, Nick quickly double-checked the address, then gestured for them to move around back where they’d be out of sight. The house was in a rural area rather than a busy neighborhood, which made sense for a couple of vampires who’d wanted to retain privacy. But they couldn’t be too careful.

The lower level of the house was built into the side of the hill, as so many were in the region. At the rear entrance, Nick stood to one side of the door and held up a hand for silence as the rest of the men gathered on either side of him. Once he was satisfied he heard no movement inside, he moved quickly.

Stepping in front of the door, he raised his foot and kicked with all his strength. The wood splintered near the doorknob, and another kick sent the door crashing inward. The lower floor had the look and feel of a basement, he noted as he stepped inside. It wasn’t finished. No carpet on the concrete floor, no paint on the walls. Just a serviceable area with a wood stove, a pile of logs beside it. A pool table.

To the right of the pool table was a long hallway. Nick nodded toward it, leading the way. Soft footsteps sounded behind him, the men at his back ready. Tense. The narrow corridor wasn’t the ideal spot for a fight, should there be one.

“Hey,” a voice called out. It was quiet, muffled. But there.

“Did you hear that?” John whispered.

“Yeah.” Nick listened, and the faint cry came again. “Careful. It could be a trap.”

Cautiously, he moved forward. He crept down the corridor until he came to the last room on the left. Taking a steadying breath, he kicked in the door. Rushed in, ready to do battle.

And stopped short at the sight of Tom, chained to a bolt in the cold concrete floor. His clothes were filthy, his face gaunt. But the younger man gave them a weak smile as he raised his head.

“What the f*ck took you guys so goddamn long?”

Nick hurried over, and without Kalen there to spell the shackles, getting the man free took some doing. Finally, someone found a key on the upper floor and the mechanic was unchained. Zander checked the man from head to toe, scanning for injuries.

“You’re anemic and we need to get some food and water into you, but you’re going to be fine,” he told Tom.

The man looked relieved, though his hands shook with nerves. “I’m glad. After what that crazy f*cking vampire did to me, I wasn’t so sure.”

“His name was Ivan Cardenas,” Nick told him. “How did he get you?”

J.D. Tyler's Books