Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(46)

“Viktor told me you were sort of naughty,” she said.

Not as naughty as I’d like to be, he thought.

Her eyes widened in surprise. “You really spoke in my head! I almost thought I’d imagined that before, when I heard you tell me you had to go out on a call.”

Nope. All shifters can communicate with their mates once they’ve Bonded. It’s a nice perk.

“But I’m not a shifter. Will I be able to talk back to you?” She looked intrigued, and somewhat worried she wouldn’t be able to.

I don’t know, he admitted. I’ve never known a mated shifter-and-vampire couple. Try.

Furrowing her brow, she concentrated on what he guessed was sending a message. When he didn’t receive one, he shook his head.

It might develop later on your end, after you claim me.

Her tired eyes widened slightly. “Oh, Nick, are you ready for me to claim you? I’m not pressuring you. It’s just that I want you so much. It’ll be so wonderful, honey; you’ll see—”

I want it, too. I do. Soon. I promise it won’t be much longer.

Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. Suddenly, he realized she didn’t appear well. Are you okay?

“I’m fine,” she said, giving him a half smile. “And I see you’re feeling better.”

Changing the subject?

“Stating a fact. Viktor should be here to let you go soon.”

His reply was interrupted by a knock. Tarron, Ian, Teague, and John walked into the room without waiting for the go-ahead, and their expressions told Nick something had developed. He let the change flow over him and reverted to human form, then pulled the sheet over his lap to save Calla any embarrassment. If it had just been the men, nobody would’ve cared that he was naked.

Tarron got right to the point. “Teague found something.” He nodded to the hacker, who took up the explanation.

“I’ve identified two large groups who are communicating via e-mail with the one we believe is their leader—the hunters and rogue vampires. But in the last few weeks another e-mailer has joined the discussion, and you’ll never guess where those messages originated.”

Nick waited a couple of beats as what they were getting at became clear. “From either my compound, or here at the stronghold?” That anyone among his team or support staff would betray them was inconceivable.

“Here,” Tarron said, every line in his body radiating with fury. “Someone among my coven, or your team, is talking with those bastards. Possibly feeding them information.”

Nick shook his head and snapped, “Not one of mine. I can personally vouch for every single one of my Pack members. Each one of them would take a bullet for any of us.”

“Don’t you think I feel the same way about my men?” Tarron shot back. “No one takes on a man thinking the worst of his intentions. But clearly, one of us has misplaced our trust.”

“Okay, gentlemen,” John interrupted. His voice was quiet and even, injecting calm into the situation to prevent it from escalating into an argument. “We’re not going to get anywhere by discussing anything but hard facts. We have a culprit and we need to find out who it is so we can follow him to the source. He has f*cked up and we’re going to take advantage of the fact that he probably doesn’t realize it yet.”

The other men blinked at him, obviously not used to the man previously known only as “Hammer” being more vocal and taking charge. When he chose to, John was and always had been a man to make other people sit up and take notice. Nick was glad to see him growing within the team.

“You’re right,” Tarron agreed, backing down some. “The facts will bear out the truth, and we’ll know what direction to take. Teague, where in the stronghold did the suspect use the computer? Or is it possible to tell?”

“That we do know. I’ve traced those e-mails to a computer in the main library. The problem is, those computers are used by dozens of coven members and their children every day and they aren’t that closely monitored. There are also no surveillance cameras in the library, because quite frankly we’ve never had cause to install any.”

Tarron nodded. “That will be remedied with a few hidden cameras that are trained on the bank of computers, at least until he’s caught.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Teague said.

“Good. In the meantime, Nick, tell your most trusted Pack members to keep a sharp eye on any strange comings and goings among anyone in the stronghold, man or woman. Or any behavior that seems suspicious. I’ll do the same.”

Nick didn’t bother to reiterate that he trusted all of his team implicitly. He was also ninety-nine percent sure he would know, via his gift, whether one of his men had turned. He didn’t have the ability to see everything, but this much he felt confident about.

“I’ll tell them,” he said. Then he waved a hand at the door. “As soon as I get some clothes I’ll meet with my team.”

The men left the room, John volunteering to send someone with fresh clothes for Nick, then get the team together in the prince’s conference room. Calla studied him with worry, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before she voiced it. He was right.

“I think it’s too soon for you to jump right back in to work.”

“Honey, I’m healed. That being the case, there isn’t any way I’m going to sit on my ass while everyone else takes care of our current problem.”

J.D. Tyler's Books