Wolf's Fall (Alpha Pack #6)(44)

Throwing the door open, she felt the blood drain from her face. “What happened?”

“Nick’s in surgery,” Tarron said. “But he’s with Viktor, so he’s in good hands.”

Her knees went weak and her brother steadied her. “Why? Tell me what’s wrong with him!”

“There was a basilisk loose in Dallas and we went with his team to help. He was distracting it so Kalen could spell it to sleep when the creature knocked him down and got his leg in its jaws.”

Staring at her brother, she tried to process all of that. “He was bitten? By a basilisk?”

“Yes. The venom was nasty, but Viktor swears he’ll be all right.”

Calla felt faint. “Take me to Nick.”

All the way to the infirmary, she fought panic. How the hell had a basilisk gotten loose in a crowded city? That shouldn’t have been possible.

And now her mate was paying the price for simply doing his job.


“First of all, he’s going to be okay,” Viktor told Calla the instant she hurried into the lobby of the infirmary.

Most of Nick’s men were there, hovering. For their benefit he added, “Both Nick and Ryon will be fine. Basilisk venom is nasty business and can be fatal, but they were both lucky. Either the creature’s venom wasn’t as strong as older ones, or she was only acting in self-defense, not trying to kill them.”

“She?” John said in surprise.

“Yes. I had a look at her before she was taken to your compound, and the basilisk is definitely female. And in human form, a small, scared one at that.”

“Huh.” Aric snorted. “She seemed pretty f*cking big on the street.”

“How did she end up where she did?” Calla asked.

“We don’t know,” John answered. “But I’m going to question her while Nick is recovering.”

“I’ll go with you,” Micah put in. The others wanted to go, too, but John limited the group to three—himself, Micah, and Aric—so as not to scare the shifter even more.

Personally, right now Calla couldn’t care less whether the creature was frightened. What happened might or might not be the basilisk’s fault, but still, she’d put Calla’s mate in the infirmary. That would be tough to forgive.

Calla moved up to Viktor and got in his face. “This is all very interesting but I want to see Nick.”

“The nurses are getting him settled, Princess,” he said gently. “Give them a few minutes and one of them will come and get you.”

“His injuries?”

“His right leg was bitten and the muscle torn, which I repaired in surgery. In a day or two, when he’s stronger and able to shift, that will finish his healing. The venom, as I said, was painful but not lethal in this case. I anticipate no complications from his ordeal.”

“Thank you.” Sagging in relief, she was hardly aware of Tarron assisting her into a seat. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize he’d spoken to her at first. “I’m sorry?”

“I said, Nick told me that you two mated. I suppose congratulations are in order.”

She couldn’t blame him for phrasing it as a question. Things hadn’t gotten off to a smooth start for her and Nick. As protective as her brother was, she wasn’t about to tell him that she hadn’t been able to claim her mate in return. He might finish the job the snake had started.

“We have some challenges to work through.” That was an understatement. “But things will be all right, eventually.”

“I know,” he said with a smile, squeezing her hand. “But I’m here for you, whatever you need. Nick, too.”

“Thank you.”

One of the nurses appeared as promised, and took Calla to Nick’s room. He was awake when she went in, but groggy.

“Hey,” she said, sitting down to take his hand. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I got hit by a bus. How’s Ryon?”

“Viktor said he’d be fine, so don’t worry. Just get well.” She brushed a lock of black hair off his forehead.

“Plan to.” He yawned. “Where’s the basilisk? Did they take him to Sanctuary?”

“Her, and yes, they did.”

He blinked. “The creature is female?”

“Apparently so. Plus small and frightened, according to Viktor.”

“God,” he breathed. “Has she talked?”

“I don’t think so, but John and a couple of others are going to question her.”

He frowned. “You know, I was half expecting an ambush. I could have sworn she was a lure.”

“Maybe that’s what you were supposed to think. Then when you’re wrong, you’ll relax your guard next time you go out on a call and they’ll hit you when you don’t expect it.”

“Smart woman. We’ll just be extra careful, then.” His eyes drooped and he tried to stay awake. “About earlier, leaving the way I did . . . I’m sorry.”

“Hush. Get better and we’ll deal with the rest as it comes.”

Her heart ached as she watched him succumb to sleep. He had so much responsibility on his shoulders, had been hurt more than once protecting his team, and yet he was worried about her feelings.

J.D. Tyler's Books