When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(76)

Arching backward, Cyn abruptly snapped his head forward, slamming his forehead into the monster’s nose. Pain blasted through him as he fractured his skull, but the blow at least made the troll drop him so he could hold his hands to his face.

Going to his knees, Cyn grimly tried to shake off the blackness that threatened to consume him. Before he could stand, however, the troll was giving a bellow of fury as he raced forward to kick Cyn in his broken ribs.

He thought he heard Fallon cry out, but the berserker rage was pulsing through him, allowing him to continue to fight even when every movement was an agony.

There was a startled grunt from the troll as Cyn surged to his feet and with one powerful leap was smashing into the large body with enough force to make the troll flail his arms in an effort to maintain his balance.

It was all the opening that Cyn needed.

With an underhand swing of his hand, Cyn slammed the knife into the troll’s lower stomach, grimly smiling as the magical blade slid through the thick, outer flesh and found the soft organs beneath. Cyn swiftly twisted the dagger, grimacing as the rancid odor of bile filled the air.

Hissing his shock, the troll glanced down, watching his life spill onto the stone floor. Then, with a wheezing breath, he began to topple forward.

Cyn jerked the knife free, leaping to the side to prevent being crushed as the troll fell face-first.

Moaning as the sudden movement sent shards of pain ripping through him, Cyn allowed his gaze to dart toward Fallon.

He’d expected to find her hidden behind the stalagmite where he’d left her. But the space was empty. His gaze frantically scanned the shadows, a sharp fear slicing through him at the sight of her standing several feet away, her hand held out as the hellhound crouched, preparing to leap.

Bloody hell. He’d forgotten that he’d left the stupid beast alive when the troll made his untimely entrance.

Now he watched in horror as the hound surged forward.

No. He raced forward, knowing he would never make it. Time seemed to halt, his heart twisting with an unbearable terror as the hellhound parted its fangs as he prepared to rip out Fallon’s throat.

Then, just inches from her tender flesh, the hound was abruptly surrounded by a golden glow.

Cyn slowed, his eyes widening as the light intensified, becoming a blinding glare as it consumed the demon until it was reduced to a pile of . . . goo.

“Holy shite,” he muttered, his gaze moving toward Fallon who calmly lowered her hand and turned to meet his stunned expression.

“Did you think I was helpless?” she demanded.

He gave a rueful shake of his head. It was far too easy to forget she was a royal fey with the sort of powers that made most demons tremble with fear.

Now his gaze ran over her glorious beauty, his heart filling with a tidal wave of pride that was only marred by the lingering terror at how close he’d come to losing her.

“There’s a vast difference between helpless and frying a demon to a crispy critter,” he dryly informed her.

“Maybe next time you’ll think twice before trying to tell me what to do.” She sniffed, trying to hide the fact she was shaking like a leaf.

His foolish, dangerously brave mate.

Moving forward, he wrapped her slender body in his arms, pressing his cheek against the top of her head as he absorbed the intoxicating scent of vintage champagne.

“Highly unlikely,” he warned her with a rueful smile.

Intelligent enough to realize she’d be wasting her breath to argue, Fallon instead tilted back her head, her hand lifting to run her fingers down the braid that framed his face.

“You were—”

He grimaced as she struggled for the word.

“Terrifying,” he suggested, knowing he must have looked like a brutal savage during the battle with the troll. Nothing at all like the pampered warriors she was used to.

She shook her head, absently wrapping his narrow braid around her finger.

“Splendid,” she gently corrected.

Braced for her disgust, Cyn closed his eyes as relief raced through him.

He didn’t understand why fate would offer a barely civilized berserker this elegant, exquisitely sophisticated fairy as his potential mate. But he intended to make sure he devoted his life to earning her love.

“I like splendid,” he said in rough tones.

She released his braid to lightly touch the large bump on his forehead.

“But I prefer not to see it again,” she murmured.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he assured her, frowning as she gave a violent shiver. “You’re freezing.”

She shrugged. “I don’t want to waste my energy keeping myself warm.”

“That is my duty.”

With one smooth motion, Cyn swept Fallon off her feet and moved to the distant corner of the cave. Then, with a muffled groan at the pain from his shattered ribs, he sat on the floor with the princess cradled in his lap.

As much as he wanted to take her far away from the stench and gore, they both needed to rest.

Holding her tight in his arms, he concentrated on warming the air around them.

He didn’t have the same talent as Fallon, but he could maintain the heat for a short period of time.

“How do you do that?”

“I’m a vampire of many talents.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Rest, princess, I’ve got you.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books