When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(75)

Good . . . Lord.

Distracted by the bloody battle, Fallon barely noticed that the hideous stench that permeated the air had suddenly intensified. Not until she was actually gagging at the foul odor.

Spinning around, she watched as a massive, lumbering monster stepped out of a side tunnel.

She gasped, stepping back as she studied the seven foot creature who awkwardly headed toward her.

She’d never seen a troll in person, and she had the sudden hope that she never had to see another one.

It wasn’t just the size or the grotesque features that made her shudder. Or even the large tusks that protruded from his lower jaw.

It was the frenzied hunger in the crimson eyes.

He was looking for dinner.

And she was going to be the main course.

She forced her stiff lips to part. “Um . . . Cyn.”

Cyn was headed toward the final hellhound lying unconscious across the floor when he sensed the troll entering the cave just behind Fallon.

Raw fear jolted through him as he watched the nasty creature reach for Fallon.

Oh hell, no.

With a speed that few other demons could match, Cyn was surging forward, planting himself between the troll and Fallon before the bastard could touch her.

“Stay back,” he commanded in clipped tones.

The crimson eyes narrowed, a howl of frustration sending a shower of dust from the ceiling as the troll realized his easy meal had just become a fight to the death.

“You no scare me, leech,” the troll lisped, his gaze shifting to the knife that Cyn held in his hand.

Cyn understood the demon’s confidence.

A troll had thick skin that couldn’t be pierced by a traditional weapon. Not even Cyn’s fangs could gnaw through the barklike hide. It took a blade that had been enchanted with magic to cause any damage.

Thankfully Cyn’s knife had been given to him by his foster father and it had been forged with powerful hexes etched into the steel.

“Then let’s play,” he taunted, edging toward the middle of the cave. Not only did he need room to maneuver, but he wanted the troll as far away from Fallon as possible.

The troll obediently shuffled forward while Cyn located the spot he intended to strike. In the demon’s lower stomach there was a large artery that he could reach with his knife. Once it was severed the troll would die within minutes.

Holding his position, Cyn abruptly ducked as the beast swung a massive fist toward his face. At the same time he struck out with his knife.

The troll grunted, turning just enough for Cyn to miss his mark.


He dodged another swing of the fist, shoving the troll with enough force to send him stumbling backward.

With a snarl of fury the troll swiftly regained his balance, lowering his head as he charged forward.

Cyn ignored the tempting target. The skull was the thickest part of a troll. He could waste the rest of the night trying to batter his way through the impenetrable bone.

Instead, he braced himself, waiting until he could smell the stench of the troll’s rotting breath. Then, with a quick twist, he was stepping out of the path of the raging beast.

Going too fast to halt his frenzied attack, the troll ran headfirst into the side of the wall. The impact wasn’t enough to hurt him, but the tumble of sharp rocks that fell from the ceiling knocked him to his knees.

Muttering curses, the troll forced himself to his feet, giving a shake of his head as he turned back to glare at Cyn.

“No more play,” he growled, the crimson eyes filled with hate.

Cyn flipped the dagger into the air, his smile taunting. The more incensed the troll, the lower his IQ.

“Bring it on, big boy.”

A roar shook the air as the troll once again charged. Cyn held his knife ready, but once again the cunning troll managed to avoid a killing strike. At the same time, he managed to clip Cyn on the side of the head, knocking him to the ground.

A tactical mistake for Cyn as the creature managed to get past him with surprising speed.

It was far too easy to be lulled by the troll’s slow, graceless motions. They could be remarkably quick when they wanted.

And worse, while they might be a few bricks short of a full load, they possessed a lethal cunning that made them dangerous in a battle.

Still in the process of rising to his feet, Cyn watched as the bastard managed to reach Fallon, grabbing her by the arm.

Cyn didn’t know if the monster intended to try and escape with the princess or to use her as a bargaining chip. And in the end, it didn’t matter.

Even as Fallon lifted her hand as if she intended to hit the troll, he was leaping between them, a red mist filling his mind.

Gone was the vampire who fought with a cold, deadly skill and in his place was the berserker who would tear apart the world to protect his female.

With a growl he was streaking across the small space, slashing the knife toward the troll’s face. Instinctively the troll ducked to avoid the painful blow, and Cyn lowered his hand to stab at the bastard’s stomach.

The troll screeched, releasing his hold on Fallon as he jumped backward.

Cyn used the opening to turn and push Fallon on the other side of a large stalagmite.

Even caught in his berserker rage, Cyn had enough sense not to tell her to run. It was too risky for her to leave the cave. Not when they didn’t know how many trolls might be living in this particular nest.

Turning back toward the evil creature, he had no time to avoid the large arms that wrapped around him and hoisted him off the ground. He grunted as the arms tightened, cracking his ribs. Being squeezed wouldn’t kill him, but it hurt like a bitch.

Alexandra Ivy's Books