When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(51)

Losing herself in the pleasure of Cyn’s touch was far preferable to worrying about shunnings, and ex-fiancés, and crazed magic-users.

Still, a tiny voice in the back of her head whispered that indulging her seemingly endless hunger for this vampire wasn’t without risk.

Unlike Chatri males, Cyn didn’t make her feel as if she were a mindless object he needed to control. Just the opposite. When she was in his arms she had the unshakable sense she was . . . cherished.

A sensation that was as dangerous as Magnus’s indifference.

No. More dangerous.

Her fiancé might have considered himself her master, but he’d never had the ability to truly touch her. Not on an emotional level.

But Cyn . . . he was inching perilously close to stealing her heart.

“We can’t,” she breathed.

He nibbled along the line of her collarbone. “Of course we can.”

Her eyes slid closed, swiftly forgetting why this was a bad idea.


His thumb circled the tight nub of her nipple. “Aye, princess?”

“We should be searching for the magic-user.”

“We will,” he assured her. “Later.”

Clearly determined to divert her, he captured her lips, his tongue urging hers to part and allow him entry.

She quivered, briefly yielding to the desire pounding through her before she turned her head just enough to break the soul-melting kiss.


“No more waiting.” Denied her lips, Cyn allowed his mouth to explore the line of her jaw to discover the sensitive hollow behind her ear. “I’ve hungered for you since the minute I caught sight of you.”

The air was squeezed from Fallon’s lungs, her head tilting back to allow greater access to his talented lips.

“You thought I was trying to trap your friend,” she reminded him.

“That didn’t keep me from wanting you.” He stroked a path of searing kisses down the curve of her neck, lingering on the frantic pulse that beat at the base of her throat. “Just as you wanted me.”

“You think you’re so irresistible?”

“I think that the heat between us is combustible.” He lightly nipped her shoulder, careful not to break her skin with his fang. “Admit it.” His tongue traced a path toward the curve of her breast. “You were fascinated by me.”

A whimper was wrenched from her throat as his lips closed over her tender nipple.

Her heart stopped beating as he caught the tip of her nipple between his teeth. “What makes you think I noticed you at all?”

“I know when a woman wants to see me naked.” He lifted his head, watching her expressive face as he reached for her hand and pressed it against his arousal. “When she wants to touch me like this.”


Unable to deny temptation, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, exploring down to the heavy testicles before slowly skimming back up to the broad tip.

“Aye.” He shuddered, his palm sliding over the curve of her waist until his fingers were squeezing the soft flesh of her backside in a promise of pleasure to come.

Her mind went momentarily blank. What was she going to say?

Oh yes.

She was trying to convince him that he wasn’t nearly so irresistible as he believed.

“I’d never seen a vampire in the flesh. Of course I was staring.”

“Admit it.” Without warning he was rolling onto his back, arranging her so she was lodged on top of him. Pleasure jolted through her as her already damp flesh was pressed to his thick cock. “You didn’t have to stay with me after you pulled me from the throne room.”

“Someone had to make sure you didn’t go berserker and destroy our home,” she moaned.

“Not someone . . . you.” His hands moved to cup her breasts, his eyes darkened with a stark hunger. “There was no way in hell you were going to allow any other female near me.”

“You’re so vain.” Her accusation ended on a gasp as he rolled her tender nipple between his thumb and finger.

“Why can’t you admit that you want me?” His voice was thick with need.


“Tell me.”

She spread her hands on his chest, slowly lowering down until he could press his mouth to the juncture between her neck and shoulder. She shuddered, rubbing against his erection as his fangs replaced his lips, pressing just hard enough to send a thrill of anticipation through her.

He grasped her hips, sliding her over his rock-hard arousal in a movement that was meant to inflame her passion.

As if she needed any more inflaming. She was already about to combust.

“Tell me, Fallon.”

“You frighten me.”

He froze, his expression oddly vulnerable.

“You’re scared of me?”

“Not you.” Abruptly realizing she’d hurt him with her thoughtless words, she brushed her lips over his mouth. “The way you make me feel.”

A fierce relief flared through his eyes before he lifted his head so his lips could travel over the curve of her breast, at last latching on to her aching nipple.

She sucked in a sharp breath, a ruthless pleasure thundering through her.

“Oh . . . Cyn.”

“Passion is nothing to fear,” he muttered.

Alexandra Ivy's Books