When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(50)

“I also like protecting my family.” He nuzzled the edge of her mouth, one hand still tangled in her hair while the other traced the curve of her hip. “Nothing and no one is allowed to harm those I consider mine.”

I consider mine . . .

The words should have made her panic.

Her entire life had been filled with overbearing males thinking she belonged to them. First her father and then Magnus.

The last thing she wanted was another man with a caveman mentality.

But it wasn’t panic that was making her heart flutter, or her stomach quiver.

“We should discuss what happened,” she abruptly announced, needing a distraction.

“Discuss?” Cyn chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’d rather share a physical demonstration.”

“I didn’t mean—”

“Our astonishing bout of mind-blowing sex?” he smoothly interrupted, using his fang to trace the vein that ran down the side of her throat.

Sparks of pleasure shot through her. She moaned, battling against the impulse to tilt back her head and urge those fangs to sink deep into her throat.

Cyn had already made it clear he didn’t consider her blood worthy of his finicky appetite.

“We need to find out who the man was sneaking through the caves,” she clarified.

“I would suggest that we contact Siljar, but I’m no longer confident that the Commission hasn’t been compromised,” he said, his thoughts clearly not on the mysterious cloaked figure. Not when his hand was slowly stroking up to cup her breast. “Clearly the Oracle Phyla has some connection to the magic-user.”

Fallon gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. “I can try to scry for him.”

That got his attention.

Jerking up his head, he glared down at her.


She blinked, startled by the unequivocal refusal. Then she got pissed.

“I’ve spent my entire life being told what I can and can’t do by men,” she snapped, wishing she had the strength to shove him off her. Well, maybe she wouldn’t actually shove him off. Not when his thumb had found the tip of her breast and was teasing it with a skill that was making her back arch in silent invitation. But she wanted him to know her days of obedience were over. “From now on I intend to make my own decisions.”

His grim expression eased as his lips twitched at her bluster. “This has nothing to do with your newfound independence, princess.”

Her eyes narrowed. “It sounded like you just told me no.”

“I have a reason, I swear.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Just let me explain.”

Fallon pressed her lips together. Why did she find the oversized leech so damned charming?


“We’ve already alerted the magic-user that the tunnels are being spied on.”


“He can’t be certain who was watching the Oracles’ lair or why,” he said. “But if you continue to try and scry for him, then he’ll know that he’s been busted.”

Fallon frowned. She still wasn’t sure how the magic-user had managed to sense her scry or how he’d used the connection to attack them. The mystery was going to gnaw at her until she figured it out.

“Isn’t that what we want?” she demanded.

“Not if we aren’t in a position to capture him.”

She didn’t miss the fierce edge in his voice. Cyn clearly itched to repay the magic-user for nearly killing him.

A predictable male reaction.

“What does it matter if it stops the spell?” she demanded.

“Because we can’t be sure that he doesn’t have a partner with the power to trigger the Oracles into completing the spell. Or an even worse plot if this one fails.”

Hmm. She supposed it was possible that there was more than one enemy. And more than one plot.

Still, she sensed that she was being played by a master.

“I think you’re just trying to keep me from scrying,” she accused.

A half smile tugged at his lips as his gaze lowered to her naked breasts. “It won’t break my heart to know you aren’t putting yourself in danger.”

“I have to do something to help.”

“You can continue to keep track of the Oracles.”


He shrugged. “And assist my search through the history books in my library,” he offered, his head lowering so he could use his tongue to trace the line of her jaw. “I agree with Styx. There’s something familiar about this. I’m hoping I’ve read about a similar spell in one of the books left behind by Erinna and Mika.”

Fallon grimaced. Growing up, her father had insisted that she spend hours in his library memorizing the various family bloodlines and where they fit in the complex social ranks. As if she actually cared whether the eldest daughter of the Morcella House should be greeted before the third son of the Vestres House.

“I thought everyone in this world used something called Google?”

Cyn gave a soft laugh. “Or we could stay here and forget about the Commission and evil magic-users.”

Fallon swallowed a groan as his fangs scraped down the length of her neck. Oh. Yes. This suddenly seemed like a much, much better idea. Already her body was melting in anticipation, her legs parting so he could settle more firmly against her.

Alexandra Ivy's Books