When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(108)

The three vampires were on their feet at the unexpected intrusion, their fangs fully extended as Levet settled on the railing of the balcony and regarded them with a smug smile.

Styx sent Viper a jaundiced frown. “I thought you had bouncers?”

Viper gave a resigned shake of his head. “I have an entire pack of hellhounds patrolling the neighborhood, but the bastard keeps slipping past them.”

Levet sniffed, his wings fluttering in a shimmering burst of color.

“Hey, I am the liver of any party.”

Styx scowled. “Liver?”

“Life, you dolt,” Dante corrected with a twitch of his lips. “The life of the party.”

“If you say so.” Levet shrugged. “Tonight, however, I am not here to dazzle you with my sparkling personality. I am here to officially quit my gig as Knight in Shining Armor.”

Styx studied the miniature pain in the ass with a suspicious glare.

Levet had appointed himself as the supposed savior of fair maidens throughout the world. A role disputed by most males forced to endure his aggravating presence. Why would he willingly retire from his imaginary position?

“Really?” Viper demanded.

“Oui.” The gargoyle looked smug. “I am going to be far too occupied with my new business.”

Styx didn’t bother to disguise his astonishment. “You have a business?”

With a dramatic wave of his hand, the gargoyle produced a large stack of ivory business cards edged with gold.


Viper reached to pluck one of the cards from Levet’s claws.

“COUP DE FOUDRE?” he read out loud. “What the hell does that mean?”

Levet rolled his eyes. “Can you not read French, you heathen? It means love at first sight.”

“I can translate the words,” Viper snapped, his dark eyes narrowing. “I simply don’t know why you have them printed on a card.”

“Because it is the name of my dating service,” Levet said with a small sniff.

“Bloody hell.” Dante gave a sharp laugh. “You’re playing Cupid?”

“Who better?” Levet demanded, acting as if he were shocked by the question. Of course, he labored under the delusional belief that he was a perfect replica of Brad Pitt, not a three-foot gargoyle who regularly created chaos. “I am, after all, an expert in matters of the heart.”

Styx swallowed his laugh. “If you say.”

“Congratulations.” Viper adjusted the lacy cuffs of his shirt. “Shouldn’t you be out doing whatever love experts do?”

“But obviously I am.”

Dante shared a confused glance with Viper and Styx. “I’m afraid to ask.”

Levet turned on the railing so he could peer down at the demons who mingled below.

“Like any new business owner, I am in search of new clients.”

“And?” Styx prompted.

“And I must spread word of my services.” With a smile Levet lifted his hand and with a low word of power sent the business cards floating down to the gathered crowd. “This is the perfect venue.”

“Shit.” Lunging forward, Viper grabbed Levet by one stunted horn and dangled him so they were eye to eye. “Toss one more card and I’ll rip off your wings and feed them to the hellhounds.”

“Fah, you are a pooper of the party.” Struggling until he freed himself from Viper’s grip, the gargoyle gave a flap of his wings and headed back toward the rafters. “You can all consider yourself crossed off the list for a friends and family discount,” he warned as a parting shot.

Waiting until the smell of granite faded, the three friends returned to their seats, each reaching for their glasses of brandy.

Nothing like a small dose of Levet to drive a man to drink.

“Why did you let Shay break him out of the slaver’s prison?” Styx demanded, regarding Viper with a chiding expression.

Viper gave a sudden laugh. “You’ve met my mate. No one tells her what she can and can’t do.”

“True,” Styx agreed with a chuckle.

Dante lifted his glass. “To mates who don’t take shit.”

Styx joined in the toast. “And to brothers who stand by one another even when facing Armageddon.”

Viper tapped his glass to theirs. “To friends.”

“For eternity,” the three finished in unison.

From the hellhole of a Taliban prison to sweet freedom,

five brave military heroes have made it home—

and they’re ready to take on the civilian missions

no one else can. Individually they’re intimidating.

Together they’re invincible.

They’re the men of ARES Security.

Rafe Vargas is only in Newton, Iowa,

to clear out his late grandfather’s small house.

As the covert ops specialist for ARES Security,

he’s eager to get back to his new life in Texas.

But when he crosses paths with Annie White,

a haunted beauty with skeletons in her closet,

he can’t just walk away—not when she’s

clearly in danger . . .

There’s a mysterious serial killer on the loose

with a link to Annie’s dark past.

And the closer he gets, the deeper Rafe’s instinct

Alexandra Ivy's Books