When Darkness Ends (Guardians of Eternity #12)(107)

“Princess, I couldn’t be more sure,” he said with a fierce sincerity.

“Then what are you waiting for?” she demanded.

He stiffened, half afraid that this was a dream.

“You want to go through with the mating ceremony?” he demanded, framing her face in his hands. He had to make sure she truly understood what she was agreeing to. “Once we exchange blood we can’t go back. We’ll be permanently tied together.”

Going on her tiptoes, she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

“Berserker, I couldn’t be more sure.”

Oh . . . hell.

Relief blasted through his heart, his fangs lengthened, the urge to sink them deep into her flesh an overwhelming force.

Only the knowledge that they could be interrupted at any time by her father allowed him to restrain his primeval impulse.

Leaning down, he kissed her with a barely leashed hunger. “Then let’s go home.”

“Home.” Her face lit with a smile of pure joy. A joy that was echoed deep inside of Cyn. “Finally.”

“Eternally,” he promised, holding her close as she formed a portal and the world melted away.


Every one of Viper’s numerous demon clubs was a direct reflection of his own taste.

Flamboyant, excessive, and dramatically over the top. But while all of them were guaranteed to please the most finicky demon, the Viper Pit in Chicago was by far the most exclusive.

The by-invitation-only club was hidden behind a subtle glamour that made it look like an abandoned warehouse to keep away the riffraff.

Inside, however, the public room was decorated with white marble pillars and glittering fountains that served as a perfect backdrop for the dew fairies who were performing a complex dance to the oohs and ahhs of the crowd of demons.

In the back of the club a line of tables had been situated where the guests could gamble. And for those searching for more . . . intimate entertainment, there were private rooms where they could join in the ongoing orgies or start one of their own.

Ignoring the excitement that rippled through the room at his entrance, Styx strolled onto the private balcony where Dante and Viper were seated at a table sharing a bottle of brandy from Viper’s private stock.

As usual, Dante looked like a pirate in his casual jeans and a leather jacket with a golden hoop dangling from one ear. Viper, on the other hand, was wearing a long velvet jacket with a lacy shirt that was more fitting for a Regency ballroom.

Styx had chosen his usual black leather.

Why mess with a classic style?

Both men gave a lift of their brows at his unexpected arrival, but it was Viper who said the words they were both thinking.

“If you’ve come here to tell us the end of the world is about to arrive then you can shove it. This is my night off.”

Styx chuckled. He didn’t blame his friends for giving him the hairy eyeball.

Over the past months they’d endured one disaster after another. The Dark Lord, an insane Anasso, a crazed Were spirit, Morgana la Fay, a vampire god . . .

Christ, it made him weary just remembering the enemies they’d faced.

They were all ready to take a break from impending doom.

Styx came to a halt beside the table, folding his arms over his massive chest.

“Is that any way to speak to your king?”

“Don’t expect me to kiss your ass,” Viper drawled, waving a slender hand toward the dance floor below where the crowd of demons was gazing up at the balcony with unabashed curiosity. “Your adoring masses are waiting for you down there. Up here you’re just another schmuck.”

“Thank God,” Styx muttered, taking a seat and reaching for the bottle.

“So what brings you to my humble establishment?” Viper demanded.

He poured himself a glass and settled back in his chair. “For once all I desire is a few hours to enjoy the company of my friends and your finest brandy.”

“No looming apocalypse?” Viper pressed.

Styx took a sip of the aged brandy, savoring the fiery burn. “Not one.”

Viper reached for the bottle, his expression one of genuine relief.

“I’ll drink to that.”

Dante was quick to replenish his own glass. “Here, here.” Styx grimaced. “It’s been an . . . adventure.”

Dante snorted, his silver eyes shimmering in the overhead chandelier that Viper had liberated from King Louis XIII’s palace. Or was it XIV?

“That’s one way to put it,” the younger vampire muttered.

Styx allowed his gaze to skim over the crowd who had gone back to their entertainments, a fierce surge of satisfaction racing through him at the sheer normalcy of the view.

Never again would he take the mundane things for granted . . .

Strolling along the streets without fear of a nasty surprise leaping out of the dark. Enjoying a casual drink with his friends.

Waking in his comfortable bed with Darcy wrapped in his arms.

“But not all bad,” he murmured, a smile softening his harsh features. “We have mates. New friends.” He turned his attention back to his companions. “And peace.”

Dante rapped his fingers on the table. “Knock on wood.”

“And me,” a lightly accented voice said as the tiny gargoyle flapped down from his perch among the hidden rafters. “Don’t forget you have me.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books