Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)(109)

He quit talking, letting that sink in.

It sunk in.

“Right,” she whispered.

He kept going.

“After I lost you, Chaos descended. Got in deeper everywhere. Lookin’ back, this was solely Crank’s f*ck-you to Tack, who had other ideas about the Club and was puttin’ ’em into action, quiet-like. Crank was full-on paranoid that Tack wanted the gavel from the early days and he set about tying us up so tight in shit it was impossible to get loose from knowin’ it would tie Tack’s hands. Don’t think Tack gave a shit about the gavel until Crank started f*ckin’ with the Club. Then Tack was all about wrestin’ that gavel from Crank. Crank underestimated him. Lotsa folks underestimated Tack back then. Tack proved that’s a mistake. Only Valenzuela does it now.”

“I haven’t seen Crank,” she said hesitantly.

“That’s ’cause Crank’s dead,” he returned emotionlessly, watching her eyes widen in shock.

“You were close,” she noted, still cautious.

“We were. Then we were not.”

“Why not?” she asked like she didn’t want to know.

And she didn’t. He knew it.

But she had to know.

He tightened his arm around her, slid his hand to her jaw, and held her eyes.

He also gentled his voice.

“ ’Cause Crank ordered Black to be whacked.”

That was when he watched her face pale and it jabbed into his heart as she whispered an agonized, “No.”

“Yeah, baby,” he confirmed.

“I haven’t seen Black.”

“Ordered it, Millie, beautiful, and it sucks to tell you this, but that hit was carried out and it was done successfully.”

The agony hit her eyes.

Fuck him.

Fuck him.

Seeing her deal with it was reliving it.


“He’s dead?” she asked, like she wanted him to take that shit back.

He wished he could.

“Tat, babe, on my ribs, to remind us never to forget what’s important. Brothers. Blood. Family,” he stated. “The name on the other side of the scale is Cherry, Tack calls her Red, you know her as Tyra. Tack pulled the Club loose of the shit Crank tied us up in, turned the brothers around, turned it all around. Me and Arlo were not down with that. Money was less. Club’s reputation took a massive hit. We worked our assess off and put a lot on the line to get both only to pull out. And in the early days, because a’ that, danger was more for the brothers and our families. We lost Black. Chew renounced the Club. Crank had to be dealt with. All that shit went down ugly. But threads dangling from Tack’s cleanup that didn’t get snipped ’cause we were squabblin’ in the Club caught up Cherry. She was kidnapped. Stuck repeatedly. Nearly bled out in some house no one had ever seen. Tack found her, saved her. She survived. The Club pulled together. Now we’ll never forget.”

Her eyes were huge. “That happened to Tyra?”

“Yep,” he replied.

“Oh my God.”

“She’s a good woman, Millie. I know you have cause to have issues with her but she saw what I didn’t see in you and moved on it. I hold no grudge. You shouldn’t either.”

“I don’t,” she told him.

That was his girl.

Fancy house. Designer duds.

But she got the life. You knew when to hold grudges. You knew what earned retribution.

You also knew when to forgive and you didn’t f*ck around doing it.

High gave her a squeeze.

He figured she didn’t feel the squeeze when she said, “I just can’t... it’s impossible to believe...” She shook her head. “Low, that’s two old ladies who got caught up in Chaos business. Mine was nowhere near as bad but—”

“Tyra got caught up in it not just ’cause of the Club but because of what her girl’s fiancé was into. Club had history with the man who perpetrated that but it was because of Lanie’s dead dickhead of a fiancé she got stuck. Club history just didn’t help things.”

“Lanie’s fiancé?”

“She’s Hop’s woman now. Her fiancé bit it and she went on to better things.”

“I met her,” she said.

“Know you did. She’s a good woman too. They all meddle. They’ll drag you into that shit. It’s just the way it is. But it comes from a good place.”

She wasn’t interested in that.

She was interested in something else and she didn’t mess around with telling him what it was.

“What did Crank tie you up in that you found it hard to get loose?”

The rest he gave her was far from easy.

This was going to kill.

But he had to do it. Nothing between them. Nothing held back.

Not this time.

“Whores and security,” he replied. “Chew pimped the girls. Arlo and me were in charge of security.”

Her eyes were again huge and her face was beyond pale.

“You ran security for Chaos prostitutes?” she asked in disbelief.

“No, babe, I ran security for shipments of drugs and guns through or around Denver.”

“Holy God,” she breathed, pulling away from him.

Kristen Ashley's Books