Undone by Her Tender Touch (Pregnancy & Passion #4)(28)

She slipped off the bar stool and rounded the corner of the island. She waved him off with her hand. “Let me. I can whip us up something with what you have on hand.”

“And have you think my hospitality sucks?”

She leveled a stare at him. “Your hospitality does suck. Sit and I’ll make us something to eat. Then you’re going to talk.”

He winced at her bluntness but took the stool she’d vacated while she surveyed the contents of the pantry. She wanted something quick because she wasn’t going to wait all damn night for this come-to-Jesus moment with Cam. Nor was she going to give him enough time to think better of his promise and toss her out without explaining himself.

She found fresh croissants and decided on melted ham and cheese. There was an array of fruit so she made a quick fruit salad while waiting for the croissants to toast up in the oven.

She set the table with honey mustard, mayo and the fruit salad and then went back for glasses.

“What would you like to drink?” she asked after checking on the croissants again.

Cam got up and hurried around to the wine cabinet. Then he paused and turned back around. “I guess wine is out. What do you usually drink?”

She smiled. “Water. Decaf tea. Fruit juice sometimes, but it gives me awful indigestion. Mostly water.”

“I’ll have water, too, then.”

She set glasses out and filled them with water from the fridge. Then she went to take the cookie sheet from the oven. After depositing the toasted croissants onto their plates, she took a seat next to Cam.

“This is good,” he said after finishing the first croissant. “Seemed easy, too. I wouldn’t have thought of doing something like this.”

Pippa smiled. “I’m the queen of improvising in the kitchen. Growing up, we didn’t have very many family meals together, so I learned early to make do with what we had.”

He cocked his head to the side. “You don’t talk about your family much.”

She nearly snorted. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him he didn’t, either, but she didn’t want to shut that particular door before it was ever opened.

“Not much to talk about,” she said lightly.

His eyes narrowed. “Why do I think otherwise?”

She shrugged. “No idea.”

“Oh, come on. Give me a bone here. Do you see your family?”

She sighed. “Yeah, I see my mother when she doesn’t give me enough advance warning so I’m sure not to be around.”

He winced. “Ouch. That doesn’t sound very healthy.”

“Oh, it’s a lot healthier when we don’t see each other.”

“What about your dad?”

Pippa sagged, putting down her half-eaten croissant. “He split when I was younger. Not that I can entirely blame him. My mother was difficult to say the least. He died a few years ago and left me the money I’m currently surviving on until I get my business up and running.”

Cam frowned. “You’re obviously not close to your family.”

“Give the man a cigar,” she drawled. “Did anyone ever tell you how observant you are?”

“Cut the sarcasm, Pippa. Talk to me here.”

“You know, your gall astonishes me. We’re supposed to be talking about you. That was the deal.”

His jaw tightened and bulged. “It solves nothing.”

“Oh, yeah? Maybe not for you. But see, here’s the thing. I’m having your baby, and I kind of need to know if I can expect more outbursts like today. Like maybe you run out on his birthday party because you suddenly can’t deal. We’re going to talk about it, Cam, because if we don’t, I’m out of here and I won’t be back.”

“Is that a threat, Pippa?”

She met his gaze without blinking. “I’m not threatening you. I’m making you a promise.”

He shoved his plate aside and got up, nearly knocking the stool over. He stalked out of the kitchen and into the living room, his hands shoved tightly into his pants pockets.

Undaunted, she followed, coming to a stop a few feet behind him. For a long moment, Cam faced away from her, anger radiating in waves. Then he jerked around, his eyes ablaze.

“I had another son. Colton. And a wife. Elise.”

Pippa’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t expected this. She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut again.

“Nothing to say?” he snapped.

She ignored the anger that emanated from him, knew it was how he was maintaining control when he was barely hanging on. Suddenly she understood a lot of things. She wouldn’t prod the wounded lion and she wouldn’t get angry and defensive over his terseness.

“What happened?” she asked softly.

“I lost them. I lost them both. He was just a baby. The most beautiful, sweet baby in the world. Elise was… She was wonderful. Young. Vibrant. So full of life. She was a wonderful mother.”

Pain vibrated in his voice and her heart clenched at the grief still evident in his eyes.

“I could bear the thought of a daughter,” he choked out. “I even looked forward to it. But not a son. It feels too much like I’m replacing Colton.”

Her mouth fell open in shock. She wanted to immediately deny that by having another son he was somehow replacing his first child, but she remained silent. It may make no sense to her, but it was evident by the torment in Cam’s eyes that he absolutely believed it.

Maya Banks's Books