Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(58)

How the hell did he get a key to my house? I had the locks changed as soon as he was completely moved out, and I know he didn’t have time to get my keys because I didn’t have them on me.

He carried me up the stairs and I knew exactly where he was going … my bedroom. Laying me on the bed, I slowly opened my eyes to see him moving my favorite arm chair out of the way in the corner. What was he doing? When I reached up to wipe the hair off my face, I realized I was still wearing the watch on my wrist that Mason gave me; the one with the tracking device in it. If I kept it on he’d be able to find me no matter where Daniel took me. I just hope he started looking for me soon.

Once the chair was out of the way, Daniel took a knife out of his pocket and jammed it into a crease in the hardwood floor. When the boards loosened, he pulled out stacks and stacks of cash and loaded them in a duffle bag off to his side. Without looking at me, he sighed. “I know you’re awake, baby. Look, I’m sorry I had to put you out but it was necessary. I had no way of getting you out of the party without alerting your cousin, and of course your boyfriend, who you neglected to tell me you were still seeing. Shame on you by the way.”

Groaning, I sat up on the bed, and clutched my aching skull. “I had no choice, Daniel,” I hissed. “What did you expect after you threatened me? For me to just sit here and do nothing?”

He picked up the bag full of money and glared at me. “I knew you wouldn’t just sit there, but I didn’t know you’d actually have the balls to come clean with Brett. Either he’s just mesmerized with you in bed or he’s really in love with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s in love with me, Daniel. Something you never were.”

He chuckled. “Why do you think I went through all this trouble to get you back? It may be in my own way, but I do still love you. That’s why you’re coming with me. I’ll even forgive you for betraying me.” He seriously was delusional.

He quickly ambled over to my dresser and started packing some of my clothes in one of my suitcases. “Are you crazy? I’m not going anywhere with you,” I snapped angrily.

He continued to throw clothes into my luggage. “You don’t have a choice. You see, you’re a part of this now. If I go down, you go down with me. What do you think the authorities will say about the bank account in your name? All I have to say is that you were in on this whole thing with me and it’ll be your word against mine. Your cousin might not be able to get you out of this one. Not to mention the stolen money you had stashed away in your room,” he added slyly.

Sliding off the bed, I tried to stand on my feet, but they buckled underneath me. Daniel caught me in his arms and steadied me on my feet. “Believe it or not, baby, you’re coming with me; even if I have to drag you out of this house kicking and screaming. Although, I can always knock you out again and take you that way,” he suggested. “Is that what you want?”

And he would do it, too. I was no match against him and if I fought I knew I would lose. As much as I considered myself as strong as the heroine fighters I read about, I also knew that I didn’t want to be knocked out right now. I needed to make sure I knew exactly where we were going and figure out a way to get away. I couldn’t rely on the watch to save me.

Lifting my chin, I glowered at him and snatched my bag out of his hands. I grabbed a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans to change into. When I went into the bathroom, Daniel followed me.

“This is absolutely ridiculous,” I mumbled under my breath. I changed quickly while Daniel stared at me like a starved animal. I also packed a few of my toiletries even though I knew I wasn’t going to need them. If everything went smoothly, we probably wouldn’t even be leaving my driveway.

When we got outside, Daniel pressed the key fob to crank up the car. It was one I didn’t recognize as being his, and when he caught me staring at it, he chuckled. “I bought it so it couldn’t be traced by the license plate. So when it’s scanned it’ll come up as Andrew Whitaker.” When I glared at him, he winked and gave me an evil smile and shrugged. “Hey, I was prepared.”

He hastily opened the door to the silver BMW M5 and pushed me in, slamming the door behind me. My eyes went wide when I noticed it was a manual transmission vehicle. It’s a good thing I learned to drive one. When I had time to compose myself, he was already in the car and speeding us out of the driveway. The second we got to the main road, he slowed down and drove the speed limit, downshifting to a lower gear.

“Where exactly are we going?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Daniel scoffed, “Like I’m going to tell you that. Just sit tight and enjoy the ride. You might as well get used to it because you’re going to be with me for a long time, baby.”

The thought made me shudder. “What if I don’t get used to it? What will you do with me then? Do you really think I can live a happy life with you on the run? Are you really that delusional?”

Daniel clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel with a punishing force. His anger radiated through the small space of the car, and for the first time in my life I was seeing a completely new side to him. I had never seen him really angry or coiled up so tight, and I was never afraid of him until now. He swerved over to the side of the back country road we were on and slammed on the brakes, making me jolt forward. I felt like I was going to throw up from the sudden onset of stopping.

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books