Trusting You (Second Chances #2)(57)

Daniel ran his free hand over his face and through his hair. “Holy shit, my investor is Brett’s father. He’s a senator for Christ’s sake. They’re going to take everything from me.”

Next door, Brett’s father sighed. “What happened to your mother haunts me to this day, son. I loved her and I pray every day for forgiveness.”

Brett snapped, “Well … all I can say is that you need to keep praying.” There was a long pause and then I heard Brett speak again. “Look, I need to find Melissa. Daniel is being taken into custody tonight and she’s with him somewhere. I have to make sure she’s okay.”

“Brett, wait!” his father called out. The door opened and I could hear Brett’s angry steps pounding on the hardwood floor as he stormed down the hall. My hope of getting away from Daniel was quickly walking away from me. When Brett’s father also left the room I had no clue what was going to happen to me now. Daniel’s eyes were on fire and he was shaking with rage.

He jerked me away from the door and pushed me further into the room. “I thought you didn’t like playing games, Melissa. You’ve been playing one with me this whole time.”

I snarled, “I told you I would get to the bottom of this whole land of yours deal and I did. Did you honestly think you were going to get away with it? A forged will, Daniel … really? Oh yeah, and before I forget, I had you recorded on a live wire on how you were going to threaten me. So whatever you had planned to screw me over you can forget it now. It’s over.”

“You f*cking bitch,” he hissed vehemently, charging toward me. There was no escape out of the room, except a window behind me, the bathroom off to the right, and the door I came in through. I couldn’t get past Daniel so I charged for the bathroom. Pulling out my phone, I speed dialed Brett, but I lost my footing when Daniel tackled my legs, sending me straight to the floor with a loud thump. The breath whooshed out of my lungs and I wheezed, trying to fill my lungs with the air I lost.

My phone skittered out of my hands, but I could hear Brett’s voice come over the line. “Melissa? Melissa, where are you?”

I was gasping for air and couldn’t scream for help before Daniel took my phone and slammed it up against the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. “No,” I cried, my voice all raspy.

Daniel flipped me over and pinned me to the floor. “Well, I guess it looks like you’ll be coming with me, my love. I’m sure I’ll grow on you over time just like before.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I hissed.

He grinned down at me, an evil smile that made my blood turn ice cold. “Oh, yes you are, baby,” he purred, but then he pouted his lips and ran his hand down my cheek. “Although, I do hate what I have to do next. You’ll forgive me though when you wake up.”

My eyes went wide the second he lifted me up aggressively and wrapped his arm around my neck, squeezing tight. I couldn’t speak, think, or breathe. I could barely keep my eyes open as the pain from his hold seared all the way down my body. The black abyss crept up on me and I found myself falling deeper into the unknown of that darkness.

I thought I screamed out, but as I was being hauled over Daniel’s shoulder, I realized no one heard me. I was being carried away from the crowd and all the chatter; I could tell because the voices and sounds were getting fainter. Daniel was taking me away from everyone I loved and I had no clue where we were going.

All I knew was that the darkness was taking me … fast.


I could hear Daniel scrambling around, but I couldn’t see a thing. My eyelids were too heavy to open and I couldn’t move my body. I was lying on a bed until I felt hands wrapping around my waist and then being hauled again over his shoulder. I was nauseous and I would’ve given anything to have the world stop spinning. My head ached, but there was one emotion that I could feel above all else … anger.

He was going to pay for what he did to me.

I heard a car door being opened, and then I was laid out on the backseat. I was expecting to be thrown, but thankfully Daniel had a little bit of decency left in him. I still couldn’t move or I would’ve attempted to get out of the car. My only hope was that Brett heard my struggle on the phone before Daniel smashed it up against the wall.

While Daniel was driving he called someone on his phone sounding frantic, but I could only hear his side of the conversation. “Jacob, get out of my house now. The police were going to arrest me tonight and if they find out you helped me then you’re next. You know where to meet me. I’ll be driving so it’ll take me longer to get there.”

He paused to listen, and I could hear the voice of the other person over the line, screaming. Daniel growled, “You were the one who helped me jackass. I can’t help it you accepted the money. That’s your own f*cking fault. Listen, do what you want, but I’m getting out of here.”

He slammed the phone down in the console. “Idiot,” he mumbled.

It wasn’t long before we parked and I was being hauled out of the car. Daniel carried me in his arms this time and I didn’t dare open my eyes for fear he would see. The moment he opened the door to where we were at I knew exactly where he had taken me. The smell of apples and cinnamon was my favorite, and it was the only fragrance I ever used in my home.

L. P. Dover & Meliss's Books