Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend #3)(41)
I hold my breath when her fingers brush against my stomach. She slides the zipper down on my pants, then spreads the fly wide, exposing my c**k straining against dark gray cotton. She curls her fingers around me, squeezing gently, her gaze locked on my boxer briefs.
Conflict ripples through me. I want her to be quick and get to it, yet I also want her to take her sweet time so I can savor this sexy-as-hell moment between us.
“You’re big,” she whispers, her gaze lifting to meet mine.
Smiling, I reach out and cup her cheek, pleasure sweeping through me when she turns and places a kiss to my palm. “Every man appreciates that type of compliment.”
Jen rolls her eyes and I drop my hand from her face. She grips the waistband of my boxer briefs at my hips. “It’s true, though. You’re definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen.”
I barely contain my scowl. Damn, I hate when she talks about other guys, which she seems to do quite often, and so casually, too. I know I’m a total commitment-phobe, but I’m starting to realize she is too. I don’t recall her ever being with anyone in a long-term relationship. Not even in high school.
I’m both curious to know her sexual history and not interested whatsoever. Only a glutton for punishment would ask her such a thing.
So I let it alone.
“My break’s over in less than ten minutes,” she says, a saucy smile curling her lips, her fingers teasing my abs. “And my boss is kind of a hard-ass, so I don’t want to make him mad.”
“Is he now? And what will he do to you if you’re late coming off your break?” I sit up straight, lifting my hips when she starts to pull my underwear down. I’m left sitting before her in my shirt with my pants and briefs in a heap around my ankles, my erect c**k pointing directly at her.
“I don’t know. Fire me?” She laughs as she strokes my c**k with feather-light precision, her delicate fingers dancing over my sensitive skin, my belly, the insides of my thighs. Anticipation curls through me, driving me f**king insane with every pass of her fingers, and finally, she leans in, brushing her mouth across the head of my cock.
If I could, I’d keep her on hand as my personal sex slave. Because damn, her touch, her mouth, her everything feels so f**king good . . .
I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes at the sensation of her lips slowly taking me inside her mouth. Her tongue licks, her mouth sucks, and soon she’s bobbing up and down on me, her hands gripping my thighs, her lips tight and hot and working me into a frenzy in a matter of seconds.
She hums in pleasure around my c**k and I jerk in her grip, ready to come, not embarrassed at how quick she made that happen. We’ve both been riding the edge all night. The past few hours out in the restaurant have been nothing but torturous foreplay.
Lifting her lids, her gaze meets mine, hot and dark and completely unreadable. I want to say something, anything, ask her what the f**k she’s thinking, what the hell is she doing to my head since I’m not thinking the way I usually do. She’s a trip. The two of us together, we’re a complete trip and I want it to continue.
So what’s stopping me?
Pushing all negative thoughts from my mind, I concentrate on Jen. What she’s doing to me with her skilled lips and tongue, how much she seems to enjoy pleasuring me. She slowly releases my c**k from her mouth, her tongue darting out to tease at the tip, circling around the flared head, not missing a spot.
And still her gaze never leaves mine.
Fuck, that’s it. I can’t take it. I’m coming, all over her lips, her tongue. She drinks it in, her mouth back on me, easing me through my orgasm, and when it’s finally over I slump in my seat, shocked at the exhaustion that settles over me. My body’s languid and I feel drowsy, completely spent.
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she stands, smiling down at me. “Was that okay for you?”
Okay is the understatement of the century. I can hardly form words, let alone lift myself out of the f**king chair. “Uh . . . yeah. It was f**king amazing, Jen,” I manage to choke out.
Her smile grows and she tilts her head. “So I guess my work here is done.”
“I’ll say,” I mutter as I lean over and grab some tissues from the box on my desk. I clean myself up, then stand and start to pull my clothes back on.
Laughing, she turns away from me, heading toward the door. “I need to get back to work before my boss punishes me for taking too long of a break.”
Her choice of words is certainly intriguing. “All this talk of being in trouble makes me wonder. Do you want to be punished?” I ask.
She pauses at the door, her hand gripping the handle fiercely. She keeps her back to me. “What are you talking about?”
“Are you into that ‘I’m a bad girl, please punish me’ type of thing?” I’m really not. I’ve always preferred to be the dominant one in the bedroom. I enjoy taking command. Sometimes I’ll even get a little rough, though nothing too extreme. Pull hair. Bite plump, sweet skin, then devour all that wet, hot flesh.
Just thinking about doing all of that and more to Jen has me growing hard again. Unbelievable.
“I never thought I was,” she admits, slowly turning to face me. She smiles, her eyes wild with desire and some other foreign emotion I don’t recognize. “But I could be. With you.”
Well, f**k. That confession just filled my overactive imagination with all sorts of ideas.