Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend #3)(39)
Did she really just call me a little waif? If anyone’s a waif it’s Fable. She’s so short it’s ridiculous.
“Unfortunately, the people who interviewed her were idiots.” Colin moves so he’s standing beside me, his arm brushing mine. I press my lips together so I don’t gasp at the contact, because wow. I felt that simple brush right down to my toes. “They didn’t see her full potential.”
Fable looks from me to Colin then back at me again, both eyebrows raised now. Damn it. “And are you saying you see her full potential, boss man?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “I do. I’ve always seen Jen’s potential.” We both happen to look at each other at the same time. Big mistake. Is that adoration reflected in his gaze? I look away before Fable reads too much into it, but too late. Her eyes are narrowed and she’s smirking at me. I’d know that sly look anywhere.
And it is the absolute last thing I want to deal with.
“Time to get to work, girls,” he says, reaching out to squeeze my arm gently before he walks away. “I’m opening the doors now.”
I watch him go, my arm still tingling from where he touched me, my eyes focused on his perfect butt encased in those perfect black trousers. I had my hands all over that butt last night. It’s solid, rock-hard muscle and I loved feeling it flex as he pushed deep inside me . . .
“You banged him, didn’t you.”
Fable’s soft voice breaks through my dirty thoughts and I turn to her, ready to protest, but she shakes her head.
“Don’t bother denying it. You two are so obvious. Oh my God, no wonder you’re glowing.” She steps closer to me, lowering her voice. “You had sex. With Colin. Holy. Shit!”
“Stop.” I grab hold of her arm and steer her out of the dining room, which is filling up with employees and dinner guests fast. I take her to the back hallway that leads out to the alley. “Don’t say anything, okay? I don’t want it to get out and I don’t want Colin to know that you know, either.”
“I’m not going to tell anyone. You can trust me. I’m the best secret keeper around. Ask Drew.” She purses her lips and shakes her head, a mysterious light filling her eyes for the briefest second. Sometimes I can’t really figure her out. But I can’t worry about it at the moment. “And why don’t you want Colin to know that I know you two are having sex?”
She hisses the last word out and I roll my eyes. I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. We’re closer than I’ve ever been with another friend before, but I am definitely not one to talk about my sexual escapades. I’m a very private person, especially when it comes to sex. The good and the bad kind. “Stop saying it like that.”
“Stop acting like it’s a bad thing.” Her easy acceptance fills me with relief. “I can’t believe you two finally caved and did it. It’s about damn time.” She nudges me. “So. Is he any good?”
My cheeks heat as I remember the way he buried his face between my legs in the freaking kitchen and made me come so hard I yelled out his name, nearly falling off the counter.
“Don’t bother answering. Your face says it all.” Fable laughs. “He’s pretty damn good.”
He’s amazing, but I don’t want to kiss and tell. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
I’d rather keep all that amazingness to myself.
I try my best to ignore her but it’s f**king hard. Or more like, I’m f**king hard, watching Jen while she works all night in that short, clingy black dress that’s the standard uniform for the waitresses. Somehow, she’s the sexiest thing in this place, in that dress. Her legs look a mile long, what with those black stiletto sandals she’s wearing. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail, showing off the delicately beautiful butterfly tattoo that graces her nape. The tattoo that represents her need for freedom from her past, freedom for her future.
The tattoo both fills me with resentment and makes me want to trace every fragile, colorful line of it with my finger. And then with my tongue.
Jesus. I need to get a grip.
She repeatedly catches me staring and I don’t bother looking away. Sometimes she drops her gaze, her cheeks turning pink, which is cute as hell. Other times she blatantly stares back, a wicked smile curving those lush lips I’m desperate to kiss.
More than once she just laughed and shook her head, as if she found my uncontrollable need to keep my eyes glued on only her amusing. But I catch her watching me too. A lot. She wants me just as bad.
And later tonight, after we’re through with work, I’m gonna bury myself inside her so deep, it’ll be a wonder if I can ever come back out. Just knowing I have that to look forward to leaves me as hard as a damn rock.
I finally lock myself away in my office so I’ll quit looking like a lecherous ass. I don’t know how Jen feels about it, but I don’t want anyone else who works here knowing what we’ve done. Their whispered speculation is bad enough. Though I’ve never denied it, I don’t want to give them confirmation that it’s actually happened between us.
So I throw myself into my work. I glance over the construction reports from the Redding location. I plan on going there in the next couple of days so I can see it in person. Construction is coming along nicely and all seems according to schedule. The restaurant is slated to open in less than eight weeks, and we’re pretty much on track for making that happen.