Sincerely, Carter (Sincerely Carter #1)(49)

What does the “…” mean?

They mean yes.

But no to me coming over tonight?

HELL NO to you coming over tonight.

“Carter?” Josh suddenly cleared his throat to get my attention. “Can I talk to you by the bar for a minute?”

“Sure.” I followed him out of the booth and into a small hallway. “What do want to talk about?”

“Two things: One, tonight you’ve been a terrible wingman. Absolutely f*cking terrible.”

“I told you hours ago that I didn’t feel like doing this tonight.”

“Two…” He ignored my comment. “It’s actually a good thing. Now that the brunette is convinced that you’re as fun as a dead fish—”

“Her name is Farrah.”

“Same thing.” He shrugged. “They both want to come home with me…Just me.” He stood there smiling, nodding his head slowly.

“Are you waiting for some applause?” I asked.

“No.” He held back a laugh. “I just need you to hold off on coming home until later—a lot later. You know, so we can use the living room, and those floor to ceiling windows. I’ve always wanted to do something with those.”

“Why can’t I just go home first? Like, right now?”

“Because I just paid the check and they’re more than ready to leave now.” He gave me a pointed look. “More than ready.”

“Whatever, Josh. Go.”

“I knew you’d understand.” He gave me a high five and returned to the booth.

A part of me was actually grateful that I wouldn’t have to stay another second, but without being able to go straight home, I needed something to do.

Restless, I decided to drive around for a while, so I slid behind the wheel and hit the highway. When I veered onto a familiar exit, I pulled out my phone and called Arizona.

“Hello?” she answered on the first ring. “Is this Josh’s wingman?”

“It isn’t.” I laughed. “Seeing as though he got both of the girls in the end, I don’t think that’s an appropriate title for me at all.”

“He’s going home with two girls?” She scoffed. “Are you sure he’s the best option for a roommate for when the two of you start law school? You sure you don’t want to find another one?”

“Not unless you plan on withdrawing from Cleveland and staying here to go to culinary school. I’d definitely pick you over Josh for a live-in roommate.”

“Ummm.” She was smiling; I could tell. “I very much appreciate the offer, but Cleveland is where I belong. How was your day?”

“Uneventful. Read a few early articles for the fall, fixed a few things on my car, and apparently made my best friend upset.”

“Somewhat upset…She’s not the psycho-jealous type.”

“Hmmm.” I suddenly didn’t feel like driving anymore so I tried to find a parking spot. “What do I have to do to make it up to you?”

“You can give me a foot massage.” She laughed. “That seems like something you wouldn’t enjoy.”

“I can do that,” I said. “Open the door.”


“I’m outside your house. Open the door.”

“What part of ‘Hell no to you coming over tonight’ didn’t you understand?” There were papers rustling in the background.

“I must’ve misinterpreted that text…Open the door.”

She hung up and the door opened seconds later.

“Yes?” Arizona narrowed her eyes at me, trying to look upset but failing at it. “Something I can help you with tonight, Carter James?”

“Letting me inside would be a good start.” I stepped forward. “Or I can force you to if you’d like.”

“I’d like to see you try…”

She stood there, not moving, so I picked her up—tossing her over my shoulder and made my way inside. I carried her over to the couch and tossed her onto it, and then I shut the door.

“You really only made one éclair to celebrate?” I asked.

“No.” She grinned. “Yours is on the counter.”

“Thank you.” I walked over and picked it up—devouring it before joining her on the couch.

“That was very good,” I said, smiling at her.

“Thank you…” She started to lean against me, as if I was going to wrap my arm around her shoulders, but I prevented her from doing that. Instead, I pulled her into my lap so she was facing me, so I could look into her eyes and taste her lips a few times.

“This doesn’t seem like you’re getting ready to prep for a foot massage,” she whispered. “Do you know how those work?”

“I know exactly how they work.”

“So why are your hands cupping my ass instead of my heels?”

“Because, while I will definitely be giving you a foot massage to make up for my completely minor offense tonight, I’m going to f*ck you senseless first.”

Her cheeks turned red.

“That is the point you were trying to get across when you sent me all those evasive texts before your exam this morning, correct?”

Whitney Gracia Willi's Books