Sincerely, Carter (Sincerely Carter #1)(45)

“Hey!” He looked surprised to see us. “You two decided to come after all, huh? Do you now have a change of heart about Epsilon Pi?”

“Hell no,” we said in unison, laughing together.

“Then why are you here?” Josh crossed his arms.

“Looking for something to do,” I said. “The beaches are cluttered with tourists and there’s a big wedding at the pier, so we figured crashing your party and making you feel somewhat important would be a much better way to spend our day.”

“Once again…” Josh said. “Out of all the girls in your elementary school, this is the one you chose to befriend?”

“You’re just jealous it wasn’t me and you,” I said.

“I hate to break it to you, Ari,” he said, “but it would’ve never been me and you because I would’ve hit it a long ass time ago.”

“Never.” I opened Carter’s trunk, taking out my beach bag. “I’m going to go change and lay out near the rocks. Whenever you guys start grilling, let me know and I’ll help.” I walked away and headed toward the restroom villa, hoping the brand new tension between me and Carter wasn’t obvious.

I pulled my hair into a bun and found a perfect spot to rest. I lay against the rocks and took a short nap as the sun warmed my skin.

Josh called me over to help marinate some of the chicken just as I flipped over, and for once, we actually managed to be together for more than ten minutes without arguing.

With each hour that passed, more and more people pulled up to the marina—beach towels and beers in tow, and even though everyone was genuinely nice and friendly, the only thing I really wanted to do right now was lay against Carter again.

At sunset, a familiar hand grabbed mine and pulled me along the shore.

“Careful,” I said, letting go of his hand. “People might actually think we’ve had sex.”

“We have had sex.”

“You know what I mean.” I blushed. “They’ll think we’re together now, and I’m pretty sure we’re not.”

“We’re still best friends, Ari.”

“Best friends do not hold hands.”

“I was only holding your hand to let you go,” he said, looking amused. “We’ve walked along the shore and talked for hours far too many times to count.”

“Yes, well…”

“Well, what?”

“Excuse me if I’m still adjusting to something that might’ve happened last night. Unlike you, I’m doing my best not to do little things that give you an inkling of an idea that it may happen again.”

He suddenly stopped walking and stared at me. Then he pushed me into an oncoming wave.

My body hit the water and I laughed—swallowing salt water as another wave washed over me.

Standing up, I immediately ran toward him and chased him up and down the shoreline, trying to get back to him.

I never did catch him, though. Whenever I got close, he would grab me by the waist and push me into another wave. Then he started chasing me.

Eventually surrendering, I held my hands up. “I’m going to take a break by the bonfire. I’m going to remember what you did, though.”

“You won’t.” He smiled and I blushed for the umpteenth time today.

“Hey, Carter…” A brunette walked right between us. “And you’re Arizona, right?” She acknowledged me without glancing my way.

I shot Carter an “I’ll be over there” look and found a spot near the fire. I grabbed one of the vegetable skewers from the grill and watched as that girl fawned all over him.

To my surprise though, he wasn’t giving her his usual charm routine. He was still smiling and entertaining her questions, but he wasn’t giving her the full experience I’d come to know.

She said a few more things to him, things that looked like they were dripping with sexual innuendos, and then she walked away.

When she left, Carter walked up the bank and sat right next to me.

“Did you two set a date?” I asked. “When will you be going out with her?”

“I won’t be,” he said. “What made you ask me that?”

“It’s your typical M.O. That, or taking her in the backseat of your car right after or—”

He pressed his finger against my lips. “I recently had sex with someone who might’ve ruined me for all others.”

My eyes widened and my cheeks heated.

“Of course, it never actually happened in her mind, but I wouldn’t be a good best friend if I lied and said the same…” He moved his finger away. “For the record, it’s going to take me a lot longer to forget.”

“So…This girl’s * is magical?”

“Must be.” He laughed.

“Do you think it’s possible for this guy to have sex again with this best friend of his without the two of them f*cking their friendship up?”

“I think it’s very possible for them to have sex again, and I think he and this best friend can assess the damage afterwards...”

“The woman in question is used to going on dates whenever she’s sleeping with someone.”

“Then the guy in question will take her on dates.”

“But that’s the problem,” I said, feeling his hand subtly press against the side of my thigh. “Normal best friends don’t go on dates.”

Whitney Gracia Willi's Books